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Lessons with furniture... Ughh

So I decided that I wanted a new recliner, my wife said that it was stupid to buy a new chair because the one we have is "just fine"... as I dig the splinter out of my arm. So, naturally, I go to the furniture store to look at chairs and while I'm there she calls me and says she will be there in a few minutes. when she gets there she informs me that if I get a new chair then she gets a new bed,... Great. So I buy my chair (it vibrates :) ) and she picks out a bed, I didn't look at it, I just said good deal and started the paper work for the financing. when the delivery guy gets to my house he puts my chair in the living room and then unloads the most gigantic bed I have ever seen my freaking wife picked out a king size slay bed! the damn thing takes up, almost, our entire bed room. So the lesson for anyone that goes furniture shopping with their wives or girlfriends is: LOOK AT WHAT THEY PICK OUT!!!!!!!
My wife has final say in all 'thangs that concern money though she has never questioned anything I've ever bought so therefore I let her buy whatever she wants as well. She will ask my opinion on a particular item, that style vs. this vs. this color vs. that and most often I disagree with her choice's. It's all for naught anyway as she's not really asking my opinion but more informing me what she's going to buy. My opinion's are just that and she's going to do what she's going to do no matter what. It's smarter to just say "sure honey, whatever you want to do is fine with me." If she wants to paint the whole house purple its best to just go along with it. If she wants a new spin bike that I know that she'll grow tired of in 3 months, I say go for it and get over it. My dear sweet wife is of the manner of..."when I see something I want..... I take it!" That's fine with me. She's worth it.