show-off Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

I think it should have ripened but with these cold nights I think it is out of time.  I will pull it soon and hang it upside down, but so far they are green.
I throw in another of my contenders. Here is a nasty Chocolate Bhutlah ... with oil dripping out from inside. I deseeded a bunch more yesterday, and should have used two layers of gloves!
The_DoGMaN said:
It is a bhut of some sort.  It has been green for nearly a month with no signs of blushing.  This one fell while I was gardening today.  They all look like this though.
And it does not look the shade of green I see with my unripe Bhuts.
Very interesting, I would definitely same some seeds for next year, if I were you.
The_DoGMaN said:
It is a bhut of some sort.  It has been green for nearly a month with no signs of blushing.  This one fell while I was gardening today.  They all look like this though.
looks to be a gator jigsaw     :onfire:
moruga welder said:
looks to be a gator jigsaw     :onfire:
they stay green    :onfire:
No clue what it is.  I definitely didn't have any jigsaw seeds for 2015.  As far as I know it is a bhut, either chocolate or red.  Those are the only bhuts I planted this season.