show-off Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

first pods , still green , suppose to been ,SHABU SHABU , but not the same as the other shabu plant , confirmed by Floricole , whom i won the seeds from ,  can't wait for them to ripen and see the flavor / heat . also was isolated ,
moruga welder said:
first pods , still green , suppose to been ,SHABU SHABU , but not the same as the other shabu plant , confirmed by Floricole , whom i won the seeds from ,  can't wait for them to ripen and see the flavor / heat . also was isolated ,
Funny, my supposedly shabus look like yours..BUT  no heat whatsoever. My seeds from same source as yours.  The pods don't even look like shabu pics I've seen across the internet.  No gnarly/bumpy texture whatsoever.  My plants exhibit chinense charachteristic as they have multiple pod stems from same node are.   I don't believe these plants to be true to type.  Taste of my peppers so far has been of a non hot Anaheim type.   :(
Streamer said:
Funny, my supposedly shabus look like yours..BUT  no heat whatsoever. My seeds from same source as yours.  The pods don't even look like shabu pics I've seen across the internet.  No gnarly/bumpy texture whatsoever.  My plants exhibit chinense charachteristic as they have multiple pod stems from same node are.   I don't believe these plants to be true to type.  Taste of my peppers so far has been of a non hot Anaheim type.   :(
same here my friend ,   :onfire:
MisterBigglesworth said:
Kraken, any chance those red pods are from the fatalii seeds I sent?
Would you believe out of the approximately 10-15 plants I grew only two survived and none of them podded up, the first batch died pre season... and the second batch I threw in way to late in the season,.. =(  So shattered... Still got plenty of seed for next season though so I will have fingers crossed and extra love for them this season ..
The big pods is an ONI F3 Pot 2.... the smaller one on the concrete is a ONI F3 Pot 1 as are the three red pods on the table... The other small red pod is Not a Bhut Orange Copenhagen .. the three in my hand are Reaper x Brain Strains.