show-off Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

Picked up a borg 9 plant from Justin, finally pumping out some nice pods

Carolina Reaperx Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion  (WhiteHotPeppers)

California Reaper  (Reimers)

Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion from 2 different sources (RefiningFireChiles and WhiteHotPeppers) (forgot to label which is which while sowing the seeds  :banghead:)

Jay's Red Ghost Scorpion x 7 pot Bubblegum (GuatemalanInsanityPepper)

This pepper is interesting, because it is supposed to be a Mustard Habanero (from saved seeds three generations removed from the original source PepperJoe.)  The genetics have been stable and consistent until now. This is the first time I have seen it show this chocolate color... so I am wondering if it is a cross, a mutation, or a reversion to a parental type.

Yesterday when I visited my essentially wild garden (I have not taken care of it at all... it has been growing completely on its own) I found that one of the plants, which to this point had not produced any peppers, is laden with the most unreal holy grail gnarly peppers I have ever seen.  The pods are dark green and fully formed, so I am hoping they will start ripening soon.  I am going to take some pictures of them green on the vine just in case they are attacked before they ripen, because you all need to see these things.  I am very grateful to Mojopeppers for essentially gifting me the seeds for that particular variety, as they were out of stock.  It will probably be the only plant I attempt to over-winter this year... I might even try cloning it.  The variety is "Major Pain."  I'll try to get those pics of the green pods up soon!