show-off Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

30 varieties picked today:
JoynersHotPeppers said:
I'll taste one later and they are not that gnarly looking but here are the NOT Naga Morich pods, 3 different ones weighed 23 grams each.
Those are huge!
My largest so far is 16.6 grams.
7/31/15 update:17.2 grams.
8/1/15 update: 19.6 grams.
My pods are not as long, but are quite plump.
8/3/15 update; broke 20 grams!
Noah Yates said:
I thought this would be a fun idea for a thread... let me know if there is already a running thread that is similar.
Show us your meanest, most gnarly, and downright feindish pods!!!
I will get the party started with these:
Love the chessboard!
If it doesn't exist already, you're going to have to invent the Moruga Gambit.
"Sacrifice your tongue for a persistent king side initiative!"   :dance: 