show-off Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

cmpman1974 said:

Anyway, I thought I would post some of my Y7P/KN/BLS cross pods.
They do not get dark brown like the Brown Large Scorpion (6 o'clock position).
The one just above the 3 o'clock was not completely ripe, as you can see by the green tip, but in my clumbsiness, I knocked it loose. The rest are totally ripe.
So, if have been following my glog, I am growing three plants from seeds I saved from last year. They are from what was supposed to be a King Naga plant, which apparently had crossed with a Yellow 7-Pot.
This plant was  grown in close proximity to a Brown Large Scorpion plant, which itself was supposed to Red.
Anyway, I have these three plants; one making light brown elongated pods, the other two are making yellow pods. One of the yellows has rather smooth, but wrinkled pods, the second's pods are just starting to ripen.
They are pretty gnarly, if I do say so:

moruga welder said:
judy's chocolate Bhutlah , oil,oil,oil ! 
Jeez that is a vicious looking beast.  Makes my mouth hurt just looking at the pictures. :D
alkhall said:
So, if have been following my glog, I am growing three plants from seeds I saved from last year. They are from what was supposed to be a King Naga plant, which apparently had crossed with a Yellow 7-Pot.
This plant was  grown in close proximity to a Brown Large Scorpion plant, which itself was supposed to Red.
Anyway, I have these three plants; one making light brown elongated pods, the other two are making yellow pods. One of the yellows has rather smooth, but wrinkled pods, the second's pods are just starting to ripen.
They are pretty gnarly, if I do say so:
Those look yummy!
alkhall said:
So, if have been following my glog, I am growing three plants from seeds I saved from last year. They are from what was supposed to be a King Naga plant, which apparently had crossed with a Yellow 7-Pot.
This plant was  grown in close proximity to a Brown Large Scorpion plant, which itself was supposed to Red.
Anyway, I have these three plants; one making light brown elongated pods, the other two are making yellow pods. One of the yellows has rather smooth, but wrinkled pods, the second's pods are just starting to ripen.
They are pretty gnarly, if I do say so:
Now they look like something special . ! Nice one
KrakenPeppers said:
Now they look like something special . ! Nice one
Thanks, they are making some weird wrinkly pods.
Now, the other yellow is making pods with two or three tiny 'tails', if I can even call them that. Probably call them lobes:



Sorry about that, I accidentally deleted the first pic.
EDIT 9/2/2015:
Perusing the pepper patch, I found this spiky little guy:

Same plant as the above pods.
This, and the other Yellow 7-Pot cross are definitely making some unusual pods, and quite a variety, as well.
Saving the seeds from this one. Maybe I can develop a pepper that is spiky all over, kind of like a sea urchin. Yeah; Urchin 7-Pot, I like it!