show-off Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

Rymerpt said:

Its the only pod I got all season, but ITS BADASS
that's the only pod all season?
someguy said:
This is the meanest that I got this year. I am unsure to what it is. The only brown peppers that I remember planting were Chocolate Habaneros and Brown Morugas. I ate a small one last night and it was very hot. I will not be eating anymore of these peppers.
very nice !     :onfire:
96strat said:
some of us need to hook him up!
sending hogleg this pod to review this week.
pure pain !      :onfire:
KrakenPeppers said:
Shit Tony ... You need to calm that shit down !!!!   Looks like their about ready to burst into fire in your hand !!  Nice pods !! Probably the best looking Choc Bhut I have seen by the way ...
I don't doubt the quality of Judy's seeds.. But it always takes a good grower like yourself to get those bad boys to maximize their potential....  Makes me so glad it just hit spring here so I can finally start to get started on my season!!! Woot









 Here are my gnarliest pods, first to last, Red Bhut, Tobago Treasure, The third one's a mystery, got it in a seed train marked Blue Mystery but looks like some kind of Lava??? The fourth one is Olive Jolokia from Mojo Peppers, the color is amazing, the fifth photo shows it sliced, the inside looks to be painted yellow, this is a cool pepper, HOT! The pod with the tail is Devil's Brain from Judy, the next one is also a Devil's Brain. The last pod is Mustard Bhut.
The bottom pod in the last pic (Mustard Bhut?); on my monitor it has an iridescent green-gold appearance. Is that what it actually looks like?
My Bhutlahs from Judy are a bit different. They seem to have a lot of the Bhut shape coming through
Harvest 9.8.15 084.JPG

These are "Madballz Red" Seem a bit off from the pics I've seen of Madballz
Harvest 9.8.15 064.JPG

Harvest 9.8.15 066.JPG

A couple more Brown Bhutlah SLP
Harvest 9.8.15 095.JPG

Some funky unknowns. Was marked Mystery on the pack. People on FB think they're Primo Yellow
Harvest 9.8.15 045.JPG

Harvest 9.8.15 048.JPG

And finally just some Reapers
Harvest 9.8.15 022.JPG