show-off Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

Bhuter said:
I love this phenotype. What "F" generation is it on? Great looking pod!

I believe this is only F2. I have a few plants growing, that is the only one with tails. The others look this this, which are still cool:

EDIT: I should also mention that the seeds for this variety came from Chili Riot
Second-year, over-wintered F2 Carolina Reaper's first ripe pod (last year it didn't produce any ripe pods before I had to bring it indoors... but the green pods had extremely long thin tales!

I regret to say I cannot remember whether this is an organgegum tiger mamp or a bleeding calyx BG7 x pink tiger.... either way its from mojo peppers.

This is a definite pink tiger x BG7 bleeding calyx.

Carolina Reaper from pepper lover (off, but interesting pheno)
One of my personal very favorites the earlobe-looking-as-ever Mustard Habanero 

Jase4224 said:
Would you mind giving a description of this pepper? Taste, production etc

I have seeds but there is not much info about this one around.

Let's take a look inside.

Looks like a bhut, smells like a bhut, tastes like a bhut.    The plant itself is average in production, probably going to yield 50-60 pods that taste pretty good.   Earthy, slightly fruity flavor that is not floral nor bitter.     Would make good sauces or powders.      This one tested well on a hot dog with ketchup.   Bits of it, anyway.