Lime pepper

I like limes and I like chillis and I really lime and chilli.  Are there any chilli, hot or mild, that taste of lime?
There are several chillis that smell and taste of lemon, there are several others that are meant to have 'citrus qualities' to them.  But are there any that smell or taste of lime and not just lemon?  If not, is anyone working on breeding one that would be prepared to send me some seeds?
The only ones I have heard of are some unstable crosses that Justin (jcw10tc) has. They are available in his online store here:
Black Bhutlah X 
Gold Bhutlah X
Of course, these are crosses and who knows what the future generations will be like. But they are the only peppers that I have seen anyone say taste like lime. I was intrigued enough that I ordered a couple of packs for myself, and I plan on growing the Black Bhutlah X out next season.
I had a look and they sound great.  I am in Australia and C chinese is not allowed to be imported.  Hypothetically, do you think if I asked that he may be willing to accidentally mislabel them as C baccatum which is allowed?  I guess there is no harm in asking.
MangoChilli said:
I had a look and they sound great.  I am in Australia and C chinese is not allowed to be imported.  Hypothetically, do you think if I asked that he may be willing to accidentally mislabel them as C baccatum which is allowed?  I guess there is no harm in asking.
why can't they be sent , i've sent them through a few times , via post cards      :party:
MangoChilli said:
I had a look and they sound great.  I am in Australia and C chinese is not allowed to be imported.  Hypothetically, do you think if I asked that he may be willing to accidentally mislabel them as C baccatum which is allowed?  I guess there is no harm in asking.
Justin from WhiteHotPeppers sends to Oz no problem, they turned up fine. Just order what you like Justin knows what he's doing so don't worry. Btw.. I got 100% germination from like 60 of his seeds
I send seeds to Australia all the time.  I only know of maybe one that didn't make it.  I haven't labeled the species yet, I normally just put the name of the variety.  Most of what I do have is C. Chinense.  I don't understand why baccatum is allowed but chinense not, but oh well.  I do need to update the description on the Gold Bhutlah X, its not as much lime as I initially thought after the first taste.  The one that was supposed to be a black bhutlah though is so intense of a lime taste its really unbelievable.  I made salsa with it and everyone at my work that tried it thought I put lime in that batch.  I usually never put lime in my salsas.  Normally my taste buds aren't as accurate as others.  I can taste fruity pods but never can tell you if its lemon pineapple etc.  But this one was unmistakably lime.  But the bad side of this is as in my descriptions this is either a cross or a result of instability in the strain.  A lot of people have been taking a chance with it and purchasing it, but I really don't know what it will produce next year.  The plant only produced about 6 or 8 pods on the initial wave which was unfortunate.  The plant does have a lot of pods on it now, but freezing weather should be happening soon here.  Hell it should have happened weeks ago.  I may dig this one up and try to finish out some of the pods in the garage as it is so unique.  I won't be able to dedicate proper spacing to plang many plants next year so might need to communicate with those that have purchased to help select any phenos that do turn out the same.  Even if they don't come back the same, I am sure the peppers that do emerge will be quite interesting.
Thanks very much for the info. if it stabilizes like that then I'll happily take some if you'll ship to the UK. For now though, I'll wait it out.
I'm a bit late to the party on this one Justin. I noticed on the website it's sold out but if you happen to get any more seeds I'd be happy to purchase some.
Chewi said:
Yeah, not a huge fan of lime in salsa, I used to use it sometimes in the past but haven't in a few years now.  Salsa is one of the ways I use to sample all the new pods I grow as I don't have the stomach to eat one plain anymore.   I actually sometimes don't even like pure fresh peppers, I like them better for what they do to other foods like salsa and other stuff.   I have a very basic recipe I use now that is very repeatable in small batches, I throw in a whole pod normally and it really lets the taste of the pod come through.  Once the season starts I'll take about 5 to 10 batches of salsa a week to work and have a big taste testing of sort.   Makes it pretty easy to kinda figure out the flavor profiles of things particularly with so many people giving it a try.  That limey tasting pod had I used lime I would have never know, had I tried it plain the heat might have overpowered the lime taste for me at least.  Not one of those guys that can detect those tastes like some of the guys that review pods.  
jcw10tc said:
Yeah, not a huge fan of lime in salsa, I used to use it sometimes in the past but haven't in a few years now.  Salsa is one of the ways I use to sample all the new pods I grow as I don't have the stomach to eat one plain anymore.   I actually sometimes don't even like pure fresh peppers, I like them better for what they do to other foods like salsa and other stuff.
Totally understand now. I'm like you, I don't really like fresh pods that are too hot unless they are mixed with food or smoked and dried.
Guess I'm just a lime freak. I put it in my iced tea instead of lemon.
Here's to a great 2017 man!!