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liquid choices

Ok I wanna start a thread to see what vinegar people like to use when making their hot sauces and why? Also how many people use lemon/lime juice and why?
I use Pepper Vinegar!!

I always have a large jar of rice wine vinegar full of various peppers in it. Whenever I want to make a sauce I use that for my vinegar. I hate the twang of regular vinegar and only use that stuff to clean with NEVER for cooking anything.
I am just beginning with sauce making but so far I like Apple cider vinegar or white vinegar. I have heard about cane vinegar a number of times lately but am yet to try it. As for the citrus, only use it in salsas thus far.
Rice vinegar is good for a milder flavor. I usually use rice vinegar, but also use white vinegar, red wine vinegar, and apple cider vinegar sometimes. I would like to try beer vinegar, coconut vinegar, cane vinegar, and champagne vinegar for hot sauces but they're not available here. I might order some off the interwebs at some point.

I also use lemon or lime juice, for acidity and flavor. Grapefruit juice, orange juice, Meyer lemon juice, blood orange juice, etc. are good too, just depends on what type of sauce you're making. When my kumquat tree fruits I'll probably try that as well.
I'm in the anti-vinegar group; however it's difficult to not use it at all. I used an aged rice vinegar (Kwepie Brand-4.2%) and apple juice for ph, sweetness, and liquid. My sauces do not have the clawing vinegar taste at all. For example; a 1-1/4 gal. batch of Habanero sauce (I use pumpkin for a base) will have 4c. vinegar and 3c. apple juice which together amount to somewhat less than 25% of the total volume. My ph testing is always under 4, but a bit more than 3. Hope this helps.
COFFEE!!!! Who doesn't want a little extra caffeine to speed up the endorphin rush!

One of my sauces has about 3 'cups' of coffee in it. Just used plain Folgers coffee grounds and made some stronger coffee, depending on taste, and threw it in the sauce.
COFFEE!!!! Who doesn't want a little extra caffeine to speed up the endorphin rush!

One of my sauces has about 3 'cups' of coffee in it. Just used plain Folgers coffee grounds and made some stronger coffee, depending on taste, and threw it in the sauce.

Right on!!! I'm a huge coffee / espresso drinker so I'm with you!! Please let me know when the GR8 Blend hot is available I would love to try it!!
Ok thanks for everyones input. I have came to the conclusion I really like rice vinegar so I'll continue to use that. But this year my crop of 15 plants didn't do really anything yet
At the end of the season I'll take the un or partial ripened peppers and put them in a 3 gal. container with 2 tbl sea salt and then fill with cane vinegar, I'll leave in the fridge and use the liquid as I need when making sauces through the winter...it definetly kicks up the sauce a notch in heat and flav