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Lit Charcoal Sole...Gore Alert

oh crap.  I knew before clicking on the post this would not be good....
2 words------
you decide in which order.......:lol:
But in all seriousness, take care of that, dude.  Not to be taken lightly, and I hope it heals fast.
Do I want to ask "how"?
2nd degree burn. No infection. Tossed the lit briquettes from a chimney starter into the kettle BBQ. Didn't see the briquette that missed the kettle, and landed on the grass. I put the my full weight on it. Thought it was a hornet, at first until it heated up.
muskymojo said:
Shouldn't this be in the bbq/grilling forum?
under "Grilled Meats-Other"  :rofl:
Roguejim said:
2nd degree burn. No infection. Tossed the lit briquettes from a chimney starter into the kettle BBQ. Didn't see the briquette that missed the kettle, and landed on the grass. I put the my full weight on it. Thought it was a hornet, at first until it heated up.
dang, it's those little ones that get away that'll bite you in the patootie. 
I thought you lit the charcoal and Al Gore showed up with the EPA  to chastise you...
I was wrong.
that's actually a decent burn, in a bad spot in terms of circulation and germs ...
i would actually not choose neosporin, i would take a relatively large loading dose of ibuprofen, and then i would incorparate some hydrocortisone AFTER bacitracin application ...
silvadene cream would be ideal, but you probably don't have access ...
you cannot use the steroid without the antibiotic, or it'll blow up and head the wrong way, but if you are using the antibiotic, already, A COUPLE OF DOSES (only) of the steroid will help it get to where it can start to heal faster ...
it's kind of like throwing gas on a fire to gain control of it, though ...
honestly, though, it warrants silvadene ...
might as well start putting the vit e on it soon, too =)
Actually, pain is minimal.  I can even walk on it.  Doc has me using neosporin.  Cool thing is my boss is allowing me to wear Crocs to work for awhile.  I'll drag that out, for sure.
Joking aside, try soaking it in a Dreft brand laundry detergent and water bath. Sounds silly, I know, but it works. I had 2nd degree burns from my knuckles to my elbow on my left arm many years ago. All I did was soak it in Dreft and water a few times a day and kept it clean. No infection. No scars. Look it up.
muskymojo said:
Joking aside, try soaking it in a Dreft brand laundry detergent and water bath. Sounds silly, I know, but it works. I had 2nd degree burns from my knuckles to my elbow on my left arm many years ago. All I did was soak it in Dreft and water a few times a day and kept it clean. No infection. No scars. Look it up.
You are correct, sir.
Non-detergent, non-scented soap is the official burn treatment. That and Silvadene cream under loose dressing ...
(I worked for a plastic surgeon who specialized in traumatic burn management, and further specialized in it for diabetics) ...