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Literal Takes On Popular Phrases

Bhuter said:
Dieter told me he does academic Spanish > English translation as a side income.
True, but I'm not a linguist ;) WarrantMan is closer to the truth:
WarrantMan said:
A good researcher perhaps, novice or pro? Difficult to say.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Eureka!"  I'll give you a handle!  ahayastani = Stan!!!!
Damn (,) mods with a good memory  :shocked:  Chapeau...
Bhuter said:
I read that backward, Linda. I thought you wrote, “Love your handles.”

I guess I have sexdaily.........
............I mean dyslexia.
When I press the "sexy dial" I can count on a "six layed"  :liar:  Yeah, still don't need "sildenafil" to get things "finalised". 
Nulle said:
Well now that we're all misunderstanding/misreading stuff I just think you should the the cover of this book :P
When I travelled through Ayatollahstan with backpack, I was frequently invited for a drink and sometimes even for dinner. At one occasion, the lady of the house prepared her favourite dish... Dick. Excuse me? "Dick. Don't you know dick? The thing with eggs". Baffled... (true story)
I always mentally connect naughty grandmas with buckets of soft soap, for if grandpa the fowler comes home with a flower bouquet and a big fat rooster.
Nulle said:
Oh, and they sell it on Amazon if you're interested ;)
Bezos will sell anything if it earns him a buck. Even shilling is acceptable. He beliefs the ancient Roman saying that money doesn't stink (pecunia non olet), so lucky for him farthings are not current anymore. Anyway, if nomen est omen, MacKenzie Scott should have been aware that Bezos was going to have his rooster beamed up with not only her.
Maybe "off topic" a bit but entirely true. (Early 1990's while I was in "training" working at the county jail.)  An inmate having just been released, begins to leave through the gates of barbed wire and such. Then quickly turns and runs back to the window that had a speaking hole in the glass. There sat a female detention officer, old as dirt, with a deeply wrinkled countenance and the raspy voice of thousands of cigarettes. 
He bangs on the window and loudly asks "hey lady, will you call me a cab?" Without hesitation and as stoic as I've ever witnessed, she says "ok, you're a cab" and then closes the opening without another thought.
Odd I should remember it, but I do.  :shocked: