• If you have a question about commercial production or the hot sauce business, please post in Sauce Biz.

Logchief's First Sauce Attempt

Well had to give it a try today with inspriration from TBs threads and comments from Salsa Lady. Used some Habenero Uman peppers I had and a few Doughlahs from PRF, think I used to many Doughlah, :hell: flavor is tasty but OMG :hot: or maybe I'm still just an FNG Wossie. Not sure Douglahs are the thing for sauce.

Any it's grilled pinapple, ginger, lime, shallots, vinegar and here it is




And into the frig with it

SL, that jar and a half, and that's probably why it's so :hot: Any suggestions SL, saw your comments about douglahs in sauce, think I got too many. Any suggestions on the best flavor pepper for sauce.
OMG! 3 doogies and 11 habs!?!?!...... in 12 OZ of sauce?!?!?!!!!!

Umm, yea....that sounds a little high on the heat scale. :)

If you do not like the sauce or it is too hot for normal consumption, re-mix it with some more ingredients and stretch it out a little. That's a lot of chiles in a little sauce. Some like that kind of heat, but for most, temper it out a little. It's OK to reheat and recook a sauce. The flavors change when they cool.

And we are working our way through the many flavors of chiles. Some we like...some not so much...

I'm beginning to realize that what applies to other fruits and vegetables applies to chiles as well. (Don't hate me California residents, but..) an over-bred California strawberry that is 2 1/2" tall, not red all over and hollow in the middle does not compare to a Skagit Sakuma field sweet morsel! First job as a berry picker...1-for-the-box-2-for-me. Didn't make much money in that job. LOL

And if anyone knows what "Skagit" or "Sakuma" is without googling it....shout out!
Skagit valley strawberries are the BOMB! When I was a teen, my first job was to pick strawberries and raspberries for Nishimoto Farms in the White River valley. Good lord that was a long time ago, many great memories............
WHOOYAAA! RS got it, Skagit Valley....

Now the next test.... how to pronounce....Skagit....

and after that is how to pronounce....Methow...........

and just for fun, lets throw in Puyallup!!! and Tulalip, Issaquah, and Samammish, ....and a (true road) called... Pull And Be Damned Road......
Northwest linguistics....all for fun~

And never mind about all that. It's all about a wonderful hot sauce made with grilled pineappple.... You can see a the grilled bits in the sauce.