labels-artwork Logo input needed-Pure Evil products

Hey gang,
We're working on revamping the Pure Evil product line, new website, and updated look. 
The existing Pure Evil capsaicin drops have black on red labels like #1, and I've used the same black on red for promotional materials in the past.  For the new items, the labels will have yellow on black like picture #2 below.  These are the colors used on product labels. 
PE Logo/Label #1
PE logo3.gif

PE Logo #2
PE logo4.gif

I'm looking for a Logo color design to use for t-shirts, promo materials, website, and I've put together the following two designs. 
What do y'all think?  One of the following 2? or keep the original black-on-red even though there will be 2 design color schemes for the different products? 
Logo #3
PE logo1.gif

Logo #4
PE logo2.gif
salsalady said:
:lol:  Thanks G~!  I know I can always count on you do that extra bit of checking.  :cool:
for giggles, I did a center/align with the 2 rows of text and it moved the bottom line way left almost touching the bottom of the P.  Just goes to show that visual balance is different than just centering everything.   
Centering to the eye is so important. And not everything needs to be centered, it needs to "fit" right.
GM's OCD is spreading.  :lol: I just went back to the lower line, went up to 2400x zoom and tweeked the individual letters.  Enlarged the P, shrunk the O, bumped letters over so none of the letters look like they are touching..... 
Like Boss said, "fit" and "look balanced", that's more how I work things.  Most of the time, the fonts aren't exactly right for what I want.  Especially when making titles and product names.  Often individual letters don't fit the visual balance of the rest of the line or whatever, so they get tweeked. 
Here's what it looked like out-of-the-box, and after the customization
BeforeAfter PE.GIF
salsalady said:
GM's OCD is spreading.  :lol: I just went back to the lower line, went up to 2400x zoom and tweeked the individual letters.  Enlarged the P, shrunk the O, bumped letters over so none of the letters look like they are touching..... 
OCD is your best friend and worst enemy.
Thanks for the offer, KC.  Much Appreciated!  What would you do different? 
Having the previous design/logo, I don't want to start completely all over.  It's recognized for Pure Evil capsaicin drops.  Also, there are some things I'm looking at with the new site that all have to incorporate, and I have 1000's of labels I don't want to pitch to start all over with a completely new logo.  I
I'm not going for the extreme in your face novelty hottest shtuff in the world logo.
I am working with different repeat customers using capsaicin drops for real world applications in different processing and food manufacturing.  These customers aren't looking to make YT vids, they are using a capsaicin product in their products which are not "evil" in nature.  They are interested in capsaicin products for their many benefits, including pungency.  Just using the word "evil" is enough of a stretch, even though the definition of "evil" doesn't include anything devil-related.   There's a whole lot of levels of customers to be navigated.   
doesn't even have to be evil looking either....can be cleaner and more professional looking if that's what u're trying to go for. Like I said thou, people have their own taste in everything. I've made people stuff that was dope, and they made me make something I felt embarrassed putting my name on but they loved how it looked.
Personally, I like the stroke, especially with the different weighting as the red gives a fiery effect and makes the text pop but the smaller text needed less of it to keep it in proportion.
The text does not look truly evil, no. It looks evil enough to suit the name and nothing more which, by the sounds of it, is what you were going for. Pre-customization, it was not nearly bold enough and I definitely like the end result. The only thing I don't like is the scooching as, to me, it seemed perfectly visually centred beforehand.
I have to question the logic behind tshirts though if your loyal customers aren't the "look how hard I am" kind of chilli fans.
salsalady said:
BTW, geeme.....what are the  WCAG 2 guidelines? Is that part of a secret graphics society handbook?  Do you need to know the secret handshake and be invited to join?  :lol:
LOL! Here is more than you probably want to know about WCAG:

BTW, in case you didn't know already, there are various types of color blindness than just the more-familiar red/green type. There are websites out there that will show what your color scheme looks like to people with each type of color blindness. I suspected yours would be fine, but every now and then I've come across one that wouldn't work for at least one type when I thought it would be fine, too. So it never hurts to check.
PS - I know you aren't talking website above, but you want your logo to stand out in print, as well. I will skip discussing additive vs. subtractive light properties, however!  ;)
The red and yellow may not be as distinct to some colourblind individuals but I have yet to hear anything about any form of colourblindness that makes yellow and black difficult to distinguish. It's a very prevalent warning colour scheme, even in nature, specifically because of how distinguishable it is. Given how few animals share our particular form of colour vision, I reckon that's a damn good indicator of it being colourblind proof.
spicefreak said:
I have to question the logic behind tshirts though if your loyal customers aren't the "look how hard I am" kind of chilli fans.
 It's minimal promotional materials.  I do a few events a year, need t-shirts, sweatshirts to wear, sometimes throw a magnet in with larger orders, maybe get a keychain instead of magnets for the next "extra."
g~ thanks for that link, definitely lots of info.  The logo can transition to all black on white for some printed material.  I'll use it on the info sheet that is included with every order.  The one that says "don't be a dumbass and try this straight.  Keep away from children and idiots". :lol:   I don't envision using a lot of color printed material.
Yah, I was thinking more of the T-shirts. Color can be impacted by the other colors around it; there have been numerous studies of this. Two identical squares - same color, same size - surrounded by two different colors around each of them can make one of those squares look larger or smaller than the other, as an example. I wanted to ensure the red around the yellow didn't too-heavily impact things, so I ran it through a color checker.  