labels-artwork Logo input needed-Pure Evil products

Hey gang,
We're working on revamping the Pure Evil product line, new website, and updated look. 
The existing Pure Evil capsaicin drops have black on red labels like #1, and I've used the same black on red for promotional materials in the past.  For the new items, the labels will have yellow on black like picture #2 below.  These are the colors used on product labels. 
PE Logo/Label #1
PE logo3.gif

PE Logo #2
PE logo4.gif

I'm looking for a Logo color design to use for t-shirts, promo materials, website, and I've put together the following two designs. 
What do y'all think?  One of the following 2? or keep the original black-on-red even though there will be 2 design color schemes for the different products? 
Logo #3
PE logo1.gif

Logo #4
PE logo2.gif
The newest black rendition definitely looks great for T-shirts! I had that in mind. You may even want to do a special woman's fitted tee or tank with that across the breast, I think some chicks would dig the "Pure Evil" tag and they don't usually like the unisex (really men's) shirts.
I still like the red with black letters on your packaging though, it just works. I like black and yellow for shirts. It has an evil campy/comic book feel that works really well. It reminds me of some comic lettering and also campy horror, so I really like the whole black/yellow/red border. So I suppose this could also work on the labels, but I would DEFINITELY use a black tin, not silver (not sure what you are using these days).
I'd also work the website into the shirts even if it is on the back. These people will be walking billboards at conventions etc. Everyone likes shirts that look cool, and this does, and the name Pure Evil helps sell it (or helps them wear it if a give-away). BUT you should work the website into it. One line on the back could work, the front, designed to simply look cool and not billboardy (and anyone could google it by name anyway).
I'm transitioning to using black tins for all the capsaicin drops.  Dropper bottle in a plastic vial in a black tin. 
I haven't decided if the other products should be in tins, since part of the reason of buying the other products is to pay for product, not fancy packaging.  I want the focus to be drops, and have the other items secondary.  Already plan on the dropper bottle in the plasitc vial.  just not sure if I want them to be in a different colored tin.  In the interest of saving money and passing that savings on to the customers, I'm really leaning towards not having tins for the other items.
I'll make a note to get the website on the shirts or whatever. 
salsalady said:
The logo can transition to all black on white for some printed material.  I'll use it on the info sheet that is included with every order.  The one that says "don't be a dumbass and try this straight.  Keep away from children and idiots". :lol:   I don't envision using a lot of color printed material.
You know, this is hilarious. Doesn't one of the definitions of "dumbass" say that they don't read???  :rofl:
Also it seems like you're using Photoshop, you really should be using Illustrator so your final image is a vector. If you ever want to scale it larger it will blur and pixelate. A vector, you are good for the side of a semi truck.
The logo you have is mainly text and color no drawing or imagery so adapting to AI is not a steep learning curve. There is no "stroke" but you'd just google how to achieve the same results in AI.

The text can import as a path once converted to vectors in PS! The rest can be converted (google it) or redone.
Is That for me? ^^^
I am using AI, but to post pictures here I use the Windows snipping tool, Save a Snip, then post.  Partly because the pages I'm working on have 5-8 different versions and different labels, so I enlarge the page, snip the one I want and post it.  The individual labels get sent to the printer in AI and prints well.  I dunno how to post directly from AI or an AI saved doc.
While we're at it, I decided "13" is a nice round number, much better than "12.3"........ :fireball:  :onfire:  :hell:
That's my bad SL you said "stroke" and I was thinking that is only in PS which is odd because I use AI as well. I wasn't even tipsy!
LOL! Yeah, I wait until I really have no other options, unless something is so cool and useful that I have to get it NOW. Fortunately, that rarely happens. 
BTW, just so you know what you have there, the Stroke window actually isn't part of the Color window. It just kind of appears that way because they are currently joined together as a group. You could could break that join and have them in totally separate windows, if you wanted. But it's nice to have windows joined like that so you don't have a mess on the screen. 
It's AI 10, bought the program around 2002-2003. 
geeme, I see what you mean about the 2 windows being grouped.  It seems they've always been grouped, but Stroke has a link in the Windows tab. 
Question for AI, I used to be able to set a text box or graphics box and then shrink or enlarge by pulling the corners.  For some reason, now I can't shrink or enlarge by pulling the corners.  This just happened.  I hadn't used the program in a couple months, just fired it up about 2 weeks ago and no stretching.  i have to delete the box and reset a new larger box.  Any ideas??? :?:  :?: