Look what I came home to today!!

Went to water my plant and found this:


Finally got something ripening. Was also looking and saw something else and touched it and this happened:


The plant is so bushy its hard to get to the peppers. I heard a snap and was instantly bummed. Should I let it sit a few days or try it now?? I eager.
BigDogDaddy said:
what kind is it?:mouthonfire:

Thats the $64,000 question, noone knows. I was told a Scorpion but it looks nothing like one. Im guessing/hoping something in the Bhut/Naga family (crosses fingers) The one i knocked off has a wicked shape to it in person. The pic doesnt really show it.
Looks mighty wicked....but no pimply skin like the jolokias or the fatalis...very vivid colors though...I think I 'd try it like.....now.:hell:
BigDogDaddy said:
Looks mighty wicked....but no pimply skin like the jolokias or the fatalis...very vivid colors though...I think I 'd try it like.....now.:hell:

Yeah Im confused ands its making me crazy holding off.
Ok that looks nothing like the wonder pepper I Have.I`ll post a pic tomorrow.Funny your strange one is changing the same time as mine?check in later.
Ok so I tried the one that I broke off. Its almost completely orange now. The taste of it is very fruity, like an orange pineapple flavor. The heat of it from what I ccould tell, just cut off 3 cm rings of it, was it was hotter than a Habanero but not as hot as I was expecting. Of course its not fully ripe yet and it was the end of the pepper. Im going to let it sit for tonight and try again tomorrow. Hopefully my other one still on the plant will be ripe soon.