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Look What I Found In the Garden Last Night

Last night when I was harvesting some beautiful Naga Morich pods "pictured below":


I found some very unusual shapes to say the least:




They all came off from 1 of 15 Naga Morich plants and when the rain stops I will be hunting for more. I'll post pics of this plant as soon as I can. This is not from my own doing…I'm far too busy keeping everything going. The bee traffic this year has been real crazy and fortunately nobody has been stung. They seem to be very content doing their thing.

I have never seen a picture of a Naga Morich with a pronounced stinger like these before …hybrid or not. My thoughts are can I reproduce these variations and if so what value would a hybrid of this type and shape have in our community?

This is without a doubt an incredible project to play with!! (My - My Those Busy Little Bees) Well I know what's going on top of the pizza this weekend… someone has to try it out!!
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If you like the characteristics of a certain pod then by all means grow the seed within! They are either from a crossed parent or simply a variation of pod shape. If the latter then they may or may not exhibit the same shape as the pod you harvest the seed from. They look awesome in my opinion. :P
They are great but try putting a few pods away and starting them to see what you got.Other than that you had me on------ hell i`m toast!
If you like the characteristics of a certain pod then by all means grow the seed within! They are either from a crossed parent or simply a variation of pod shape. If the latter then they may or may not exhibit the same shape as the pod you harvest the seed from. They look awesome in my opinion. :P

Thanks, I got to play the hand and see where it goes!!
the shape is caused by the flower. when it does not get detached from the pod when it dries. it shaped it like that.
well that my opinion only.
looking good superhot, if some of what ive been reading is true, that being that bhuts and nagas are really just, crosses of trinidad peppers w/ frutescens mixed in, a theory, that seems to be supported in some of the growth characteristics of said cultivars, perhaps they are just reverting to their lineage, like a guy that is the spitting image of his great great grandfather even though he has many other genes mixed in. just my $.02 anyway, the pods look great and I would sure as hell save the seeds. hope the pizza is good and the pods are :fire:
Very nice.... looks like you use turtle wax on your pods too. Loook nice and cozy like hot embers in your throat...

My god you caught me…just kidding. They're fresh off the vine, just great looking pods.

Sweet looking pods!!


cant wait to see the update and thanks for seeds :)

This weekend I'll try to get some pics of the plant providing it survived the rains!

Nice shape and color, definitely seed stock

Well like I said earlier, have to play out the hand and see what happens. This will be a fun little project with realistic expectations.

looking good superhot, if some of what ive been reading is true, that being that bhuts and nagas are really just, crosses of trinidad peppers w/ frutescens mixed in, a theory, that seems to be supported in some of the growth characteristics of said cultivars, perhaps they are just reverting to their lineage, like a guy that is the spitting image of his great great grandfather even though he has many other genes mixed in. just my $.02 anyway, the pods look great and I would sure as hell save the seeds. hope the pizza is good and the pods are :fire:

You may be right, I'm leaving all possibilities open.

Thanks for all your comments!!

the seeds could have been hybrids

Jolokia/ trinidad scorpion

I grew both species last season so it could be the result of something that happen last season, but my instincts suggest otherwise.

<drool> Sweet . . . Delicious . . . Stingers . . .

I harvest the seeds last night and the smell was all Naga Morich, absolutely no hints of Scorpion. It would be nice to know if others have experienced Ghost growing the stinger tails!!

I also had seeds sold to me as Naga Morich that looked just like yours http://www.thehotpepper.com/topic/23593-landos-chili-pepper-picturespepper-pron/page__p__483888__fromsearch__1#entry483888 including the little pods with pronounced sting.
Did your seeds come from chiliseeds.co.uk? Their website says they import their seeds directly from Nagaland etc etc so could be that they came from the same source. They are very hot so I am not all that disappointed in them. :beer: