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Look what I found

I was in a thai grocery store in ottawa today and check out what I found

they get congos by the boxload there..I might go back up and try to buy a full box off of them..
Nice. How much did they charge for the fresh peppers in Ottawa? I wonder where they were grown? You need a few pickled scorpions in that jar of pepperoncinis:lol: and the jar is still here waiting for you:mouthonfire:
Be Careful......Maybe I am a Whimp....But I just at my first Congo out of my Garden. My Tongue was numb for about 4 hours. Hottes thing I have ever eaten. My Bhut's are not ripe yet. Now I am Scared ! ! !
I paid 1.50 for a heaping bowl of congos pretty good in my standard.
lol Ill be back for that jar of scorpions lol If your interested ill get an exact addy for you its a little thai store on st laurant packed as hell
slyone1000 said:
Be Careful......Maybe I am a Whimp....But I just at my first Congo out of my Garden. My Tongue was numb for about 4 hours. Hottes thing I have ever eaten. My Bhut's are not ripe yet. Now I am Scared ! ! !

I remember potawies pickled scorpions man they were good and brought a good sweat I cant wait to eat a ripe congo just to see the taste
that 3.75l bottle of pepperoncinis I paid a whole 5.99 for and man not overly hot but tasty
Very nice looking bowl and jar of peppers but what are them red things? lol You got to love them I got two plants and the one in garden is producing like mad. I think I picked all the ripe ones and in two days they back again for another picking. Nice find
Well after having a bad garden this year finding stuff like that tickles me pink I searched every thai and east indian store where I was to find well what ever I could..Ill be back there soon.I found it funny no east indian shop I went to had vindaloo paste oh well Ill get it in cornwall
sweet find for ya, & good price :cool:
congo trinidad chiles are very tasty IMO

after reading your thread I'm kinda kicking myself for not stopping at a thai store that was close to where I was at the other day. while being way on the otherside of the cities, oh well nothing I can do about it now but makes me wonder if I missed out on some good chiles :(
I like the little stores like that..you never know what you are going to find..most carry the same things but its the 1 or 2 stores that do something dofferent that make the difference..I stocked up on pastes,hotsauces and hot dtuff im still trying to figure on how to lable it lol
pepperoncinis that jar looks fantastic,had some in the states a few years back they where lovvely and nice price on those congos cannuck seems a hot deal for you ;)
Canuk Pepperhead said:
I paid 1.50 for a heaping bowl of congos pretty good in my standard.
lol Ill be back for that jar of scorpions lol If your interested ill get an exact addy for you its a little thai store on st laurant packed as hell

I found out there is a mid-east grocer on St. Laurent blvd too which is supposed to have Tahini(?sp) and some other hard to find goodies. Looks like I need to make a trip into Ottawa soon;)
I found out there is a mid-east grocer on St. Laurent blvd too which is supposed to have Tahini(?sp) and some other hard to find goodies. Looks like I need to make a trip into Ottawa soon;)

first time someones mentioned tahini,my brother bought some seeds back for me from tahiti and said the locals called it tahi/tahini ?
you no anymore than me...about that variety :)
All I know is that Tahini(?sp) is a sesame paste used in mid-east cooking. Omri could tell you more. I don't know anything about the Tahiti treat pepper you have seeds of:)
All I know is that Tahini(?sp) is a sesame paste used in mid-east cooking. Omri could tell you more. I don't know anything about the Tahiti treat pepper you have seeds of:)
Didn't you get the package? :shocked:
only had about a dozen seeds and give some to Trinni and i have grown the rest but poor germination..or more likely me been not to good in the early days.will post some pics when i get flowers etc,looks like an annum to my untrained eye :)
Omri said:
Didn't you get the package? :shocked:

Not yet but your talking about Canada post here:lol:
Hey Omri, what other goodies should I be looking to buy if I make it to the mid-east grocer. I had a great Lebanese meal a few weeks ago and am slowly getting addicted to the spices and dips:)
Not yet but your talking about Canada post here:lol:
Hey Omri, what other goodies should I be looking to buy if I make it to the mid-east grocer. I had a great Lebanese meal a few weeks ago and am slowly getting addicted to the spices and dips:)
Took me 2 months to get a package from the US. :shocked: anyway if it takes a lot longer, tell me and I'll try to fix it.
Hmmm... nothing really pops to mind. basically everything I use seem to be normal and not really "exotic" (to me) so I'll have to take a look around.