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Look what I found

I must've been lucky then....the last time i got a few bottles of Naga Snakebite i ordered(a year or so ago), they showed up at my door in 12 days flat.
Yeah but that was the other way round, England to US and we all know how perfect and efficient us Brits are :snooty:

* Try not to spit your coffee out while reading that * ;)
rainbowberry said:
Yeah but that was the other way round, England to US and we all know how perfect and efficient us Brits are :snooty:

* Try not to spit your coffee out while reading that * ;)

Anything you say, dear. Please keep telling yourself that:lol:

oh, and what do you mean coffee? you meant gin, right?
do they have any heat???

I found these at a market and I found them to have NO heat at all just a pepper taste .
