Man KC, you have a lot of suggestions some going different directions. I find the first thing yo have to do when designing new sauce, well unless your doing a Kitchen Sink sauce where you just throw everything and the kitchen sink into a pot and see what comes out after you

The first thing you have to do though is get in mind what kind of sauce you want? So there are several questions to be asked and answered.
1. Do you want a sweet or savory sauce?
2. Consistency do you want it to have, thick, medium thick, watery?
3. What kind of sour flavors do you like, vinegary, lemon/lime, other?
4. How much sour tart, tangy?
Once you have some basic ideas then you can start to put your flavor profile together. You said a Strawberry Moruga Scorpion sauce, keep in mind what salsalady said and what the tolerance levels of your family are. So, if your wanting sweet sauce then you have the natural sweetness of the berries and could complement that with some Agave Nectar. Add in some Sweet Onions and Carrots or Sweet Potato for some consistency and maybe some roasted garlic. Want to go with a fruity but savory sauce, easy just ferment it all for 45 days or so and you have all of the fruit flavor but all of the sugars are gone. I've done this several times and it comes out with a really unique flavor.
Mostly when you start thinking about your flavor profile you just need to get an idea of what you want your sauce to taste like and then when you think of an ingredient, think about how that flavor will add to or detract from it. Here's a for instance, think about tomatoes and how a tomato will add to or detract from a strawberry based sauce. First off tomatoes have a sweetness to them, some more than others, for instance you might like the idea of a tomato in your sauce but would want to steer clear of green tomatoes or say tomatillos. So you decide you want some tomato in there, what kind? Nice big Beef Steak or more like a Roma? Big tomatoes will give you more volume and water where the smaller, denser ones will give you more pulp and, to me flavor. Want even more flavor and tomato sweetness, what about sun dried tomatoes? As you can see there is a lot you can think on to develop the flavor profile but once you have it you have a really good road map towards getting a sauce made that really is what you want.
Hope I haven't totally confused you
One last note on vinegar. unless you and those who will be enjoying your sauce REALLY love Apple Cider Vinegar, i would look at the other more subtle vinegars that are available. There are some things I like ACV in but it can easily take over the taste of just about everything it touches. So, try something like Rice or Coconut vinegar instead. They'll get your Ph down just as good as ACV will and allow the flavor of the sauce to be the star.