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Looking for advise on making a hot sauce plz!

I wanna make a Strawberry Moruga Scorpion hot sauce any vet hot sauce makers have any advise on what ingredients i should use? Its only for personal use so don't be worried about it being marketed lol I think Strawberrys would go great with the Moruga but im a newb when it comes to making hot sauce and i would love to bring a very good hot sauce to thanksgiving dinner and xmas dinner so any help would be very much appreciated!
Also have a bunch of Yellow Morugas I wanna turn into a hot sauce but dont have any idea where to start on a sauce for those
See you already have the basis! That's the great thing about hot sauce, you can just make it up!

In our house it always begins like that..."hmmm I wonder what strawberries and morguas would taste like?", then typically hunt through the fridge to see what we have to add to it and voila much fun and laughter...of course admittedly there have been times when the results have not been so perfect or edible and the parrots now imitate us coughing and gasping due to a too large batch of scorpion experimentation one day...
Honestly... I tried to make a strawberry and ButchT sauce one time... Because my ButchTs have a strawberry/cherry aroma and flavor I thought it would be a good idea.  However, mine turned out kinda meh...  so I would be interested to know if some people had good recipes to make that strawberry flavor pop.
As far as the yellow peppers go... I too have a bunch of yellow super-hots frozen and waiting to be pureed.  I was thinking of doing a pineapple/mango sauce. 
Here soon I am going to create a thread where I post a picture of all my 35 gallons of 25 different varieties of peppers and then ask for suggestions.  I plan to make sauces as Christmas presents for my friends and family.
Edit: I think I may have exaggerated a little on the number of gallons.... but its  a lot of peppers.
get a hand blender and in a pot put Ur chillies some vinegar  or  lemon juice, simmer it and then with a hand blender blend it. that's it if you wanna get fancy you can put it through a fine mesh strainer.
 at a place i used to work we made a strawberry jalapeño  chutney. very tasty
lemon juice. garlic maybe a fruity white wine, butter, moruga peppers, strawberries.( kiwi would be cool) salt pepper. my mouth is watering. simmer and blend up, put through a stainer let it cool. damn i wanna make this now 
it depends on how u want it fruity or savory. im not really a big fan of carrots so i probably wouldn't add them. and ei probaly would only use a little bit of onion and garlic. fruity sweet hot sauce

a watermelon hot sauce would be interesting
Bourbon...and a little sugar. I wouldn't add onion or carrots to a sweet sauce. Maybe a tiny bit of garlic??? I would play with the amounts of peppers vs strawberries, taste...adjust as necessary and that's when you can pick up on that "what's missing" piece. Kiwi, lime...maybe a handful of blueberries. You could skip the Bourbon and use a Banana Liqueur...strawberry banana sounds good, but I have never tried saucing with a banana so the liqueur would add that flavor. Let us know what you try!!!! 
i'm no vet, but i'd maybe try something like this:
1/2 - 1 lb (or so) moruga, depending on how hot you want it
up to 1 lb strawberries
1/2 to 1 whole head of garlic
1 sweet onion
a few carrots
1 cup apple cider vinegar or some vinegar and some lime or lemon juice (i'm not so sure about this amount, i've never done a vinegar and/or citrus hot sauce before), but add enough to get you the right consistency when you start to cook the ingredients and you can always add more if it is too thick.
1 few T of salt (to taste)
puree all that up until you like the consistency and then put it in a pot and cook it down a while, a boil for 10-15 mins, followed by 45 mins of simmering, then start to blend it and cook as necessary depending on how you plan to store it. there's some great sticky threads in this forum about how to cook it, process it, store it, etc.
good luck, i'll be interested to see how it turns out.
KingChile- if your'e interested in taking something "sorta-spicy" to the holiday gathering...first step is realizing most people that will be at your gathering are probably (2-3) on the chilehead's Heat Tolerance scale.  
For that level of tolerance, 1/4 of a superhot chile -per-4cups of (everything) is a VERY hot mixture.  
Whether it's a jelly, a fresh chopped salsa, a cooked sauce,...that ratio will cook most guests.  
I find I must dilute everything for the commoners.
1/4 per 4 cups will be the hottest thing most have ever tasted------- on purpose and not on a dare.
I would (if it were me) make 2 batches, 1 with peppers, one without, and add a little of #1 to #2. when finished.
1 for you, 2 for everyone else.
Man KC, you have a lot of suggestions some going different directions. I find the first thing yo have to do when designing  new sauce, well unless your doing a Kitchen Sink sauce where you just throw everything and the kitchen sink into a pot and see what comes out after you :) The first thing you have to do though is get in mind what kind of sauce you want? So there are several questions to be asked and answered.
1. Do you want a sweet or savory sauce?
2. Consistency do you want it to have, thick, medium thick, watery?
3. What kind of sour flavors do you like, vinegary, lemon/lime, other?
4. How much sour tart, tangy?
Once you have some basic ideas then you can start to put your flavor profile together. You said a Strawberry Moruga Scorpion sauce, keep in mind what salsalady said and what the tolerance levels of your family are. So, if your wanting  sweet sauce then you have the natural sweetness of the berries and could complement that with some Agave Nectar.  Add in some Sweet Onions and Carrots or Sweet Potato for some consistency and maybe some roasted garlic. Want to go with a fruity but savory sauce, easy just ferment it all for 45 days or so and you have all of the fruit flavor but all of the sugars are gone. I've done this several times and it comes out with a really unique flavor. 
Mostly when you start thinking about your flavor profile you just need to get an idea of what you want your sauce to taste like and then when you think of an ingredient, think about how that flavor will add to or detract from it. Here's a for instance, think about tomatoes and how a tomato will add to or detract from a strawberry based sauce. First off tomatoes have a sweetness to them, some more than others, for instance you might like the idea of a tomato in your sauce but would want to steer clear of green tomatoes or say tomatillos. So you decide you want some tomato in there, what kind? Nice big Beef Steak or more like a Roma? Big tomatoes will give you more volume and water where the smaller, denser ones will give you more pulp and, to me flavor. Want even more flavor and tomato sweetness, what about sun dried tomatoes? As you can see there is a lot you can think on to develop the flavor profile but once you have it you have a really good road map towards getting a sauce made that really is what you want.
Hope I haven't totally confused you :)
One last note on vinegar. unless you and those who will be enjoying your sauce REALLY love Apple Cider Vinegar, i would look at the other more subtle vinegars that are available.  There are some things I like ACV in but it can easily take over the taste of just about everything it touches. So, try something like Rice or Coconut vinegar instead. They'll get your Ph down just as good as ACV will and allow the flavor of the sauce to be the star.