wanted Looking for black/purple and white peppers (medium-superhot)

Well done stc, but still a photoshop - you just refined the area of effect to the pepper... It was once purple... You just tweaked the colors back towards white a bit.

You can see it in the cameras flash, the filter didn't fully remove the purple hues, and on an authenticaly colored picture the flash wouldn't have been purple :P

Nope...no flash, and not purple.



It was a 5 minute job...with a little more effort I could have made it more believable. If you look closely you can see I messed up the borders a little rushing things.

Thanks guys!

Ok...sorry for the hyjack! Back on topic. Just checked my stash and I can spare maybe 4 or 5 purple bhut seeds and some labeled mystery black if you're interested PM me.
i have some ecudorian hot witch have purple leaves turn purple/black-yellow-red :) pm me if interested :) and btw the hand on the pududu island pepper has a grey tone to it it looks real but the grey tone in the hand and the seeds being purple told me its fake (same with the florescent blue color of the pepper)
SASBE's are going to be sent shortly to those of you I've spoken with. Meanwhile, bump to see if anyone else has anything to offer too.
Don't know it you caught my offer of a few purple bhuts and "mystery black" seeds at the bottom of my last thread hijack attempt...PM if interested.