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bottling Looking for feedback on Handyfiller

I was looking at the item in another forum: The Handyfiller VPF108SL, does anyone have any personal experiences with this product. I am looking for something like this to make test runs easier and start building a better small batch set up. If you have any other suggestions or feedback on this one, let me know.
CajunHeat has one. I think the one in the handyfiller website http://www.handyfiller.com/ is cajunheat's actual set up.

He had to modify a stockpot with a valve assembly which might be more than what many folks can deal with.

Others have said use a turkey baster. I used a coffee pot. One of those party type urn pots, $50. http://www.amazon.com/Hamilton-Beach-40515-42-Cup-Coffee/dp/B00008IH9R Easy to control with the little lever thingy and it keeps the product hot while bottling.
thehotpepper.com said:
You guys make commercial sauces at home?
No, we co-pack the large batches and rent a smaller facility for medium ones, some of the smaller places you can bring in equipment for easier bottling for shorts runs. For seasonal sauce it could be helpful. I do make some test runs and experimental batches at home and we use those to start getting feedback, devenlopment and testing. That is one the main reason I'm interested in this filling machine.
I have a licensed commercial kitchen in a separate building at my home.

It's at my home, but it is not IN my home.
I was looking at the item in another forum: The Handyfiller VPF108SL, does anyone have any personal experiences with this product. I am looking for something like this to make test runs easier and start building a better small batch set up. If you have any other suggestions or feedback on this one, let me know.

Apologies for digging up this really old post (it came up in a google search), but dId you ever try one of these? I'm in teh same boat - need a bottling solution that I can use in a shared kitchen