wanted Looking for Hot Jalapeno seeds

well after much frustration buying jalapenos from the grocery store only to find out once im home they have absolutely no heat i figure i would try to grow my own again this year, looking for a reliable source to obtain seeds that have some oomph for a lack of a better word
+1 for Biker Billy. Haven't tried them, but they're supposed to be the ticket! I am also trying out Mucho Nacho's this year...supposed to be a little hotter than standard plus nice and big. For my hot Jals I have overwintered the same plants, and saved seeds from them for so many years that I have forgotten the strain...They produce hundreds of pretty small Jals...but they are little scorchers! Not great for stuffing, but perfect for eating raw or pickling...I got extras Marine, so if you can't find you a biker billy I will give you a live plant. I drive across Pendleton every day so I can drop one by if you like...
This Biker Billy's hybrid gots my interest after reading several articles about it, i can buy them from the burpee website so thats cool thanks for informing me, anyone else have that problem about not finding good jalapenos from the grocery store??? where are you from stc3248? thanks for the offer but i cant ask you to go out of your way
Yeah...I usually buy from Sprouts...sometimes they're good...sometimes not. There's a Lowes right off the 78 just south of Pendlton! They should have them on the rack. As far as "out of my way" I drive through there on the 5 every day, so I could meet you at The Las Pulgas gate on my trip by no biggie...I think the bikers will be better though. They are supposed to be the hottest, and they have a better size for poppers. Hell I think I just talked myself into a trip to lowes...
yea i like sprouts, mainly for there habs though, ive seen a lowes off the 76 didnt know there was one of the 78 ill check it out thanks!
Take this with a grain of salt but I got my hands on a very hot jalapeno variety while living in New Mexico that I'm growing again this year. I've had the Biker Billy's and a few other varieties but am sticking to my guns that whatever this variety is that I've got is hotter. They're wide shouldered and come to a point as opposed to a rounded bottom. When left on to ripen they get stretch marks all over the place and finish with meaty walls. I've got seeds if you'd like to try em out. Now, this is my maiden run growing them at sea level! I grew them last year at 6600 feet. The sun is much more intense up there and this may have something to do with how they turned out! Wicked little bastards!
I would love to try them out , i could not find biker billy's at any lowes or home depot in the area but i do got 6 mucho nacho jalapeno plants...you looking for a trade or you selling them?