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Looking for links-pepper I.D.

Lost my links for looking up CO,CAP,Grif,PI etc. numbers.

Anyone have the different GOV. databases?
I'll update this post as I get the links so they'll be in one place.
Might be a good sticky for a reference...







Other non GOV. Databases





What peppers will cross-might also be usefull.


Identify Chinense etc.

What I'm looking for is links to the actual search engine page that you just type in a number and click...
Like the above USDA link.

I found a lot of the Ag sites but some are such a hassle to figure out where what I want is.

I keep ending back to where I started during my searches.

I've spent a lot of time going in circles trying to search a lot of the sites but not doing it the way it wants so I can't get there from here. :(

The chileman link/search database is linked above.

I had links to about all the search pages for C0 , Cap , Grif , PI etc. but lost my hard drive...

Also some stuff when I try to translate the page I get an error message-page was too big...
I'm sure there are people here with the different search pages bookmarked.

I think it would be cool if I could put them all in 1 place for easy reference for all to use.
I use MSN and save all my favorites on their server which I share that with four other computers. If one computer dies no problem the bookmarks will always be there for the others to use.
Once I get all of the Data base links I'm going to save it as a Google Doc. that will be shared.
Then I'll be able to post a link to any Data base I can find.

Is MSN the same type thing?
With MSN those files are stored on their server…I haven't played around much on other systems. I'm sure they're similar formats out there.