wanted looking for red savina seeds

can someone give me a seed company olnine or other wise that still have red savina seeds in stock, or maybe some one has some to trade i have ornge habs, chocolote habs, white bullet habs, tepins, cayanne, and early jalopenos that i have ordered and shoulb be on their way

let me know thanks
I purchased some Red Savina seeds a few weeks ago from Reimer Seeds, $6.50 for a pack of 10 seeds, though there were more like 15-18 in the packet. I do not know how "good" the seeds are, as I've never bought from them before, and this will actually be my first attempt to grow peppers. The seeds did show up quickly. Here is the website for the company:
Red Savinas are their top seller. Hope this helps.
Reimer seeds... yup yup... The surprise pepper company.

We had the prettiest cayenne looking peppers come up that were supposed to be Anchos.

And heaven only knows where the jalapenos came from, I didn't plant any.

We calculated about 15% error from those seed packets.

ok ill check it out i did go to that site a couple of times but everytime i try to look around it times out on me thanks guys :onfire:
You may be timing out because every farmer and their dog is browsing for their seeds about now... Maybe avoid browsing during peak hours??

i'd send you some of my Red Savina seeds, if ur still interested (at no charge). be careful where you get them....i've been screwed so many times, i now only obtain them from reputable sources (ie. NMSU, hippyseedcompany, etc.). either way, good luck!
Hi Nolacane,

Welcome aboard! You'll learn a lot here. If you can spare them, I'd like to trade for some of your Red Savina. I have some seeds from NMSU plus seeds from other sources.
I will probably get hanged for saying this but IMO there is very little difference between the Red Savina and Caribbean Red...very little...
'bout as well as can be expected...growing like weeds...the first three months they grew about 2/3" inch a day on the average...they are at least 5' (60") tall and had been in the ground 90 days..easy math...thanks for asking...first harvest looming....

back on the Red Savina...I have grown them for about 4 years now and they produce like mad...but I have also grown Caribbean Reds to...and they produce like mad, have about the same growth habit, and the taste and heat are almost identical to me...so why pay bunches of $ for the "Red Savina" name when you can grow Caribbean reds for less money...again, this is my opinion and we all know what that is like...

Opinions are like burning sphincters, and all true chileheads have one...
+1 what AJ said.

I have several years-old plants of a particular strain of Caribbean Red Habanero that are crazy hot; I am sure the SHU value of the hottest pods is greater than 500,000, probably quite a bit higher. A couple of times, in fact, after eating a fresh pod with a meal I got a stomach burn that put me on the floor in the fetal position....

Beyond that, the pods exhibit the classic, non-pleated "Chinese lantern" Habanero shape, so I can say with utter confidence that they are unquestionably Habanero chiles. They are crazy prolific producers and robust plants: Every year for 3 years now they have given me several volunteer plants, so that I'm always set for fresh hot peppers, no matter what happens to the rest of my garden...
Back when I first started growing peppers, Red Savina seeds were nearly impossible for the hobbyist grower to obtain. But a lucky few did manage to get their hands on some and grow them out - and we started hearing complaints about disappointing heat levels. :(

In a side-by-side grow-out test against other hot peppers by the Chile Pepper Institute at NMSU, the Red Savina clocked in at a wimpy 256,341 SHU - less than half the claimed 577,000 SHU heat level! :eh:

Indeed, out of the peppers tested, this so-called "World's Hottest Pepper" came in a disappointing 3rd place for heat - less than Chocolate Hab (301,065 SHU), and even wimpier than the lowly Orange Hab! :rolleyes:

See -


AFAIK, no one has ever duplicated the astonishingly high claimed SHU that got this pepper in Guinness in the first place, and it still amazes me that it took so long for someone to unseat it. Back before the Bhut, I personally believed that either the Chocolate Hab, or the Fatalii (which no one had bothered to HPLC test) were more deserving!

Speaking of which, the Red Savina was also part of a more famous test - the one that helped get the Bhut Jolokia into the Guinness Book of World Records! :cool:

As many of you may already know, the Bhut blew it's doors off for heat!

What you may NOT know, however, is that there were actually three varieties in that test (including, again, the Orange Hab) - and that the Red Savina came in last place! :shocked:

Good ol' Orange Hab kicked it's ass again! :lol:

Bhut Jolokia - 1,001,304
Orange Hab - 357,729
Red Savina - 248,556

See -


On a personal note - one of my pepper plants to survive the great aphid war is a now 7-year-old Red Savina, and I have found this variety more finicky to get established, more sensitive to nutes, and less productive than many of the other habs I have grown. :confused:

But even back before any of us knew what a "Bhut" was, the general consensus among many hobbyist growers was that the Caribbean Red was at LEAST in the same ballpark as the Red Savina, and was MUCH more reliable heat-wise, and was thus considered by many of us to be the superior pepper! :cool:
I will probably get hanged for saying this but IMO there is very little difference between the Red Savina and Caribbean Red...very little...

I'm growing the Savannah this year for the first and can't wait to see what they're like. I'm still swimming in the Caribbean Reds from last season which are a big hit with the family. I've heard the Savannahs are a little bit stronger from a local grower. I'll soon see for myself, they're budding real nicely.
Anyone ever grown "renee's garden" seeds? I just found a pack of Red Savina seeds by Renee's Garden at my local OSH for $3.00 and it probably has 20-30 seeds in it. I figured for the price it wouldn't be too disappointing if they weren't true red savinas.

Looks like this:

Extreme bumpage, eh?

Well AJ, I have to disagree. many sell Caribbean Reds as Red Savina, but they're not the same. not that similar as well. the Caribbean Red is hotter and the shape and flavor is completely different. IMO Caribbean Reds are the better peppers though.

I think I should close the thread, but there's a current conversation going on and as long as it doesn't bother anyone... oh well.