I think there is no BEST light source for every grow type people use.
For instance.
I LIKE/use 1watt LEDS for "the WAY I USE/need them/LEDS "to work/light my SHELVES.
It really pisses some people off at times when I post what I think,stuff I learned by doing,for MY grow set up.
They (LEDS) will not be cool used as a Halide substitute(at this time,but Halides are something I can't use even if I wanted to).
I use tons of 1 watt stars and 10mm LEDS on shelves mostly.
MY goal is to supply my plants with every wave length of light between 440nm and 475nm and 615nm and 670nm at at least 2000+lumens at pot height.
The sun is something like 35,000Lux here as an average.
LEDS ,placed vertically and horizontally give me a lot more than that on my shelves.
Most nm are plant usable...
With the smaller percentage of green,yellow etc. that LEDS do put out I think I have most PLANT USABLE wave lengths covered in general.
I think that since a plant only needs a small percentage of the other wave lengths I'm covered.
I also get more Lumens per panel and more wave lengths per panel from 1 watt or less LEDS than I can get from higher watt LEDs placed farther apart (less overlap of NM).
I can get 9+ wave lengths from 125 10mm Leds on a 12in X 7in. panel or a 16inX16in star panel(84LEDS) in more Lumens than using a higher watt,hotter LED.
My sheves are about 4ft. X 18in X 20in. tall.
What I do...use them for.
I don't have to cool 1 watt LEDS other than mount them on a 1/8th in thick sheet of aluminium.
My panels flush mount to anything(= more grow space on my shelves,plus by mounting them on metal racks I get even more heat dissapation that probably keeps my pots soil temps warmer so over watering is less of a hassle).
I use 1 watt and smaller LEDS because they come in more wave lengths than 3watt and up LEDs.
Remember I think the closer to covering ALL the Plant Usable wave lengths that the sun puts out the better.No matter what you are growing.
IF my home brew stuff covers all the bases then in theory they should grow almost any plant...
I found no difference between 3 watt LEDS and 1watt LEDS except I can get 1 watt ones cheaper and in a few more wave lengths.
10 mm 1/2-1 watt come in wave lengths and a LOT higher(they average 100lm) LM. most stars don't.
I don't use a grow tent,just wire racks ,so I'm replacing Fluoros with LEDS basically, though I do hang a few around some decent sized plants for seed and year round pods.
If I had to choose something other than LEDS I'd go with T5's for the way MY grow is set up.
I came into some free $ and since I LOVE new toys,LEDS were my choice...
I originaly was looking into T5's but at the time they didn't have the K I wanted and it was $80.00 for just the fixture(2 bulb).
The bulbs came in only a few different K and Lumens back then.
I see a LOT of T5 choices these days and the prices are still high but are dropping.Bulb choices are WAY better too.
I think that once you get past the learning curve of using ANY new light source ,you have to then decide if it fits your grow.
I think all the BS about different light sources in adds is messing up peoples way of thinking.
People read into the sales stuff and really should be trying to get the best source for THEIR grow set up.
Halides or T5's might be best for tents.
T5's or LEDS are better for shelves...OR whatever.
People get too much into all the crap posted about different light sources and forget that you don't need to use whatever light source for every grow set up/their grow.
Using the sun 18in from your starts isn't a good idea neither is using a flashlight.
Forget the sales crap and so called specs by sales adds in general.
Figure out what YOU actually need for your grow.
from people actually doing what you are thinking about setting up for YOUR grow.
Do you need a 3Ft. X 3ft area covered with X amount of PLANT usable Lumens or are you lighting up a shelf.
What you think YOU need rather than what the NET says is COOL or you MUST use.
Ya ,IF they come up with 5+watt,100+lumen LEDS that run cool as my 1 watt LEDS,in more nm, I'll buy them...
But right now,lumens,heat and wave lengths I use aren't in the 3-5watt ballpark.
They just won't cover the bases I want them too and cost way too much to set up.
I see a LOT of White Spot light LED choices advertised these days.
The Lumens are getting close to the low end of Halides while using a lot less juice.
Old ones just a year or so ago maxed at about 900lm.
A buddy just set his boat up with LED spots that look to the eye as being REALLY blue.
He replaced Halides with them and they might be even a tiny bit brighter than his old halides.
I don't know the LM of either but will ask...
When I go out with him next time I want to bring my DIY spectrometer to see the bands of wave lengths the lights put out...
I think that white LEDS can possibly turn into a higher lumen output with more plant usable light than halides.
White LEDS are ,in general cheaper than colored ones and can put out a lot more LM..
White made by LEDS are a mix of Red,Blue and Green.In what wave lengths is debatable.
Might be in ones plants don't use much of...
Will be interesting to play with once I'm done playing with what I already have.
Gotta win some more $ so I can get free toys to play with.
I hear good things about using car ,12v., bulbs too(Halogen?).
BUT they only cover a specific Nm range,mostly blue from what I hear,but in tons of cheap LMs.
My panels are made for lighting a small area with as little heat as possible.
My grow space is closed in,no ventilation of any kind.
T12's were great but then they started selling T8's and T5's and less bulbs in the T12 K that I wanted to use.
T8's put out too much heat,didn't come in the Lumens and K I use.
LEDS were my only choice at the time.
Plus I like playing with new toys.
Once I've tired of playing with what I have now and can afford new toys I think white LEDs will be next IF they keep getting cheaper,brighter and are in better plant usable wave lengths.
So far white Leds that I've played with were not very good.I tried Cool White and Warm White mixes that were useless as far as my starts were concerned.
But that was 3+ years ago with a bunch of 80LM. 10mm LEDS in both cool and warm white.
I never understood all this light penetration stuff.
How can a 5watt/30Lm Leds be better than a 1 watt 80lm Led in the same wave length?
IF the 5watt one puts out more of the rated nm than I see a possible difference in the LEDS as far as plant usable light goes when comparing single LEDs to each other.
Since there isn't a 5 watt LED,they are several LED chips in a single component..
Then why wouldn the same amount of a higher watt LED be any better than more lesser watt LEDS placed closer together that put out the same nm in more Lm.?
Same thing with using a 3 watt,35lm leds being better than 6 1 watt.80lm Leds?
What is with this thing about a 5watt 35Lm LED putting out super penetrating lm than a 1 watt or group of 1watt ,higher lm LEDs covering the same area with the same wave length?
I get more LM from 1 watt leds than 3 watt ones on the same sized panel.
1watt ones that I use are 50-80+lm and are placed a lot closer together than I can place 3watt+ leds on my panels.
AS I said,I'm lighting up grow shelves not using them to light up a tent or grow room.
Too much LED,Halide or other light source stuff is posted out of context to sell product in general.
Also in general,more bang for your buck is somewhat debatable because of the tech changing on any given day...
Like computers.buy the top of the line stuff and 2 days latter it's outdated depending on who upgraded what at the time.
Figure out what you think you need-sq Ft coverage with X amount of Lumens in plant usable nm.
Then weed them out as far as cost etc. to buy and run.
A lot of people are spending way more on stuff they don't need-overkill for their grow.
It's on the net so it gots ta be true.
There are TONS of stuff out there comparing apples to oranges.
I'm going by stuff that I USE,My experiences,not what will work for every persons grow.
Just posting my opinions about the way I do things in MY garden.
Your milage WILL vary.
All LEDS.Fluoros etc. aren't the same.
PS. As a side note,I see a lot of decent LED panels in afordable or more afordable prices these days but they still don't do what I want from my home made stuff.
Max. amounts of different plant usable wave lengths and Lumens are a big part of my quest for the perfect LED panels for MY grow.
If another light source did what I want I'd play with them too,eventually.
But so far no other light source offers the control I can get from LEDs in general.
I can't adjust other light sources according to what I think I need with other sources.
You have to at least change bulbs or whatever.
As I posted,I eventually want a light source I can just hook up to my timers and watch my plants grow.
Do Starts and set pods...