I am there with BigB. I like his singularity by Pexpeppers but its a drizzel intn the mayo, mix it up, dip fries in it and listen to my wife lecture me on how much fat is in mayo. Daughter tried to review it by putting it on a chip and munching away. She regretted it, way out of her comfort zone. Great for cooking and folk with higher tolerance than either of us.
Love Luckydog, not as hot as Pex. I think I have tried each of the eight now. They are the type of sauces you can pour on your burgers or hot dogs. Some much hotter than others, but none broke my tongue. They are not traditional thin hot sauces at all.
SalsaLady (search membership here) does a few chipoltle sauces. One hot, one extra hot, and one bbq. The bbq is fantastic on vegie burgers. The other two I like, but its the bbq one that stands out on my list of favorites.
Looking to try other member's commercial sauces. Anyone else have recommendations?