overwintering Looks Like an Early Winter for Many :(

I'm in Calgary and was frantically trying to bring what I could inside last week as it was blizzarding on me. Almost everything that didn't make it inside is toast. It is warmer now this week, but we will see how long that lasts.
we hit right around 33 at the house last night.......i have lots of pods left to ripen.....
i didn't cover......it was SUPPOSED to stay high 30's
back to warmer days and nights in the 50's for a few weeks.....so hopefully i skated by
Getting a bit chilly here in Maryland, haven't checked the weather for the next few days but I definitely sense the fall weather is coming on strong...hopefully I can hold out til mid October...have to figure out which plants I'm overwintering still...
EDIT: low's appear to be in the mid 50's for the rest of the month, makes me feel a bit safer ;)
PepperAaron said:
That's insane!! Here in alabama it was a cool 97 degrees, I feel like this is hell compared to your snow flurry nights! Stat reads 82 outside at 9pm, we are however supposed to have a cold front soon! Yippee
You could even dress up as a reaper! Now that is a Halloween idea!
Shiite! 82 at night?! Looks like I'm moving to alabama! What is 'winter' like down south?
Careful chunky, that's how the Americans getcha.
They lure you down there with promises of warm weather and attractive cousins, and life is good for a while...  then BAM!  A bald eagle flaps its wings causing a tornado to rip through a trailer park full of venomous snakes and scorpions!
You see it coming and try to call for help, but all you hear is a recording "We're sorry, no NSA agents are available to monitor your call.  Please try again later."  Now you're scared.  You're looking for shelter.  Quick, to the basement!
....Guys?  The basement?  Why doesn't anybody have a basement?  HOW DO YOU BUILD A HOUSE WITHOUT PUTTING A GIANT HOLE UNDER IT?!  ERMAHGERD!  To Walmart then!
As you speed to Walmart the sky darkens.  The edge of the tornado is upon you.  Your way is lit only by the constant flashing of traffic cameras nailing you for going 0.1 mph over the limit.  Snakes, scorpions, and alligators are being slammed into your windshield with gale force winds.  You swerve into the Walmart lot running over foreigners and meth addicts left and right.  Bullets zip past your head as the 600 lb Walmart residents start firing their guns at the tornado in a vain attempt to stop it.  You get out of your car, run towards the entrance and SAFETY, when suddenly your ankle snaps.  You look up just in time to see a convoy of motorized scooters crush all of your limbs.
As you drift off into the sweet embrace of death, an ambulance attendant checks your wallet then kicks you for not having the proper medical insurance.
This concludes today's episode of "America - According to Wulf".
Damnit woman, I'm not a machine.  I don't perform on command.  Ask me again in a few days, or when Showcase is doing an artsy woman's prison movie that seems like it'll be good but ends up being 2 hours of your life that you'll never get back and never shows more than some kissing and a cupped breast.
As for the weather, looks like first frost is likely this weekend, thus beginning the inevitable slide to absolute zero.  On the plus side, that means there's only 11 months and 13 days until the beginning of the next Manitoba growing season!
Ha! Fair enough. That sounds truly awful. My condolences on the early frost. The next couple weeks have a low of 5 so I'm guessing by the third week we'll have frost here in onterrible.

I will not stop until I get the answers that I crave.
We didn't get a frost last night but all the potted peppers look droopy leaved from 40F + wind and drizzly rain.  Oddly the one I had in the ground was completely unaffected.  It's supposed to get down to 35F tonight but no frost warning so far, then warm back up for 3+ weeks.

At least my accidental melon is nearly full size now.
still hanging on here
dropping leaves steadily, but pods are doing just fine
nothing below 40 degrees for another week at least.....i'm liking it
Wulf said:
Careful chunky, that's how the Americans getcha.
They lure you down there with promises of warm weather and attractive cousins, and life is good for a while...  then BAM!  A bald eagle flaps its wings causing a tornado to rip through a trailer park full of venomous snakes and scorpions!
You see it coming and try to call for help, but all you hear is a recording "We're sorry, no NSA agents are available to monitor your call.  Please try again later."  Now you're scared.  You're looking for shelter.  Quick, to the basement!
....Guys?  The basement?  Why doesn't anybody have a basement?  HOW DO YOU BUILD A HOUSE WITHOUT PUTTING A GIANT HOLE UNDER IT?!  ERMAHGERD!  To Walmart then!
As you speed to Walmart the sky darkens.  The edge of the tornado is upon you.  Your way is lit only by the constant flashing of traffic cameras nailing you for going 0.1 mph over the limit.  Snakes, scorpions, and alligators are being slammed into your windshield with gale force winds.  You swerve into the Walmart lot running over foreigners and meth addicts left and right.  Bullets zip past your head as the 600 lb Walmart residents start firing their guns at the tornado in a vain attempt to stop it.  You get out of your car, run towards the entrance and SAFETY, when suddenly your ankle snaps.  You look up just in time to see a convoy of motorized scooters crush all of your limbs.
As you drift off into the sweet embrace of death, an ambulance attendant checks your wallet then kicks you for not having the proper medical insurance.
This concludes today's episode of "America - According to Wulf".
:D :D :D
Well written, Sir.  It's hard to tell where parody ends and reality begins.  ;)
I'll say this in my country's defense:  You damn Canadiuns inflict Justin Bieber on us, then presume to judge!?  :P
This heres Redneckistan!  Luv it er leve it!
You just stay the Hell up they're you soshulist librul's.
Geonerd said:
 You damn Canadiuns inflict Justin Bieber on us, then presume to judge!?  :P
He was a nice boy while he was here.  You guys lured him south of the border and threw bimbos, money, and cocaine at him until he couldn't hump, snort, or spend quick enough.
The hearts of boys are easily corrupted, and the douchiness of fame has a will of its own. It betrayed Bieber to his downfall. And some Canadian politeness that should not have been forgotten was lost.
I've been surprised.  Its been low 40's at night, mid 60's during the day, lots of dew at night so I don't have to water anymore, and I've been pulling 15 - 20 ripe peppers every other day.  I figured by October my plants would be done, but they look as happy and healthy as ever.  Its supposed to start raining Sat and continue raining hard for 5 days.  I've still got a lot of pepper starting to ripen, so we'll see what happens
juanitos said:
i'm hoping to get to halloween, so i can hand out fresh reapers to the kids
Or how about this?

I am from the east and was a bit worried about tonight (38 F), you know how the weather never seems to listen to the forcast.   But it looks like the 5 day is fab!  50's and 60's at night, and 60's and 70's at day.  Then on Friday, it looks like our night temps will be dropping again into the 40's and a week from today, the thirties.  Pretty much on schedule.  Usually we see our first frost around Halloween.