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looks like salt, or sugar on bottom of leaves

hey, i noticed on a couple of plants on the top sides, what looks to be sugar or salt, I looked under the leaves and the same effect, but more prevalent under the leaves. It doesn't rub off, and feel like a type of growth on the leaves. doesn't look like a mold, and not black dots, no bugs. nothing moving. I do use epson salt, but its sprinkled on the soil. its really effecting the undersides of the leaves. I will post more pics soon.
Not sure what to say about the top side. But on the bottom, if it doesn't rub off then I'm going to have say edema is the problem. Edema is when the leaves take up more water than they can evaporate off. Small amounts of edema aren't harmful, but if left unchecked and it gets worse it can cause the cell walls to rupture in the leaf and cause the leaf to die. Best fix for edema is less water.
It's edema. If you're watering them correctly (are you?), I bet your water's ph is too high. Add a little distilled vinegar to knock it down for a while, it won't hurt.

Does anyone mind if i post my facebook page, i have all pics public and thats much easier, also anyone that grows peppers or any vegetables please add me as a friend. I need more horticulture friends on FB.


I would like to add that I have been treating these plants with h202, hydrogen peroxide due to me thinking there may of been a bacterial / fungal issue that has thus stopped occurring

I fertilize pretty liberally with Miracle Grow liquid all purpose plant food
its 12-4-8
the mix of water and fert is very watered down, probably about half of what it should be.

Thank you for your replys. I will research and look up edema. It seems weird as i would bet that im underwatering.

The only issue i can think of is that the plants are from jiffy peet pellets, and maybe they are retaining moister longer? Also, i repotted these plants as they were in solo cups, and were very root bound. now in 2 litter bottles.

using this for reading, sounds like if it is edema, which it looks like it is (thanks for the information), its not a big deal.

It's not a big deal so long as it doesn't get worse. Slight edema with no other signs of overwatering, isn't the end of the world. But if the blisters get larger, they could rupture the cell walls in the leaf and cause the leaf to die.
That doesn't look like edema to me. Strangest one if it is. It's rarely seen on the top part of the leaf and when it does the bottom of the leaf is usually maxed out. Here it's the other way around. If you rub the stuff on the top does it come off entirely or does it scar the leaf?

You may want to slow down with the MG too. Fertilizers high in N, the first number, aren't the best for most above ground growing veges. They tend to grow huge plants/leaves and leave little energy for pod production. Big green leafy plants tend to attract aphids too. Try to find a more balanced fert with the numbers under 10.

Let us know how the stuff on top comes off when you can, thanks.

No on the pruning. As long as a leaf is green it's doing it's job.
If you have a jeweler's loupe with decent magnification, or even just a good magnifying lense, I'd suggest getting a better look at them to see if they have legs or not. I agree with millworkman - look more like bugs to me.

In the event it is related to watering, be sure to use the general rule of thumb many of us use - let the leaves droop just slightly between waterings. Although the top of the soil may be dry, the bottom may be quite wet. Allowing the leaves to droop lets the plant tell you when the bottom of the soil is getting dry, too.
Hard to tell. Looks like white dust (bugs maybe), the bottom I'm not sure, it looked like aphids at first glance. Pics are kinda blurry.

when looking at pics online im almost certian its edema, does anyone know if this is only caused by over watering, could it also be underwatering ?
Not under watering. Its swelling of the cells from too much moisture. But I've never seen edema on the top of leaves.
Definitely edema when looking at the underside of the leaves. Are there flowers on the plant? Could it be pollen? It would be sticky so not easy to rub off.

It looks like it's sitting on top of the leaf. Mildew? Not sure as it looks kind of crystally.