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low of 43 tonight(michigan)

i have about 50 or 60 plants ranging in size from 2 inches to 12 inches i just put outside today in a minature greenhouse and was considering leaving them out there tonight.its supposed to be a low of 43 tonight.
is that too cold yet?should i bring em back inside.or do ya think they will be alright in their greenhouse?
I would just wait until Tuesday instead of chancing it with your peppers.. i am in the same boat here in lower Wisconsin and looks like this coming Tuesday and beyond would be much better weather 4 us.
thanks for the input.
prolly gonna leave em out.
what about tomatoes?
i have about 10 of those in there too.some about 4 inches and some about 8 inches.
prolly should add that the greenhouse is only 4x3x3..its pretty packed in there.heating would be difficult.
Tomatoes can actually handle cold better than peppers. My greenhouse has gotten below 5C(40F) and I've had no problems whatsoever although I prefer to keep it hotter. Can you maybe move the whole greenhouse indoors?
If its 43 outside, it will be warmer in the GH and out of the wind. I'd be more concerned about the plants getting "sun burned" during the day. I hope your able to condition your plants to the outdoor lighting ...gradually
