bent - so you're saying yours use up to 1000 watts, right ? & then you say the model I showed is EXCESSIVE at 500 watts

then you say you could do 20 loads to 1 load from that model ! I'm sorry but if I remember right 20 x 1000 = 20,000 watts used vs 1 load that used 500 watts

maybe I'm confused on your theory ?
plus also remember your setup cant handle smaller chiles w/o buying some mesh, nor could it dry the same amount of chiles vs that model I showed at once. remember that model I showed comes with 4 trays & you can add more to use 12 trays at once ALSO you could buy some other trays to add to it to make homemade fruitrolls & you can make jerky in that model I showed. do you feel safe enough to eat the jerky out of your setup ? (if you made some using it?)
I dont know if you know but that model also has a fan built in it.
yep there is easier ways, for example your stove

you dont even need to go out & buy something or put it together. but is it cost effective ? most likely not !
then lets talk about cleanup if needed, that model its pretty easy to do just throw it in the dishwasher.