Lucky Dog Hot Sauce re-launch!

Hi folks!

I've re-launched my website, something I've been working on for a few months. Lots more flexibility and no more compatibility issues. Lucky Dog Hot Sauce recipe book page coming soon as well.

Please take a look-see and uh, maybe help me beta-test? haha - just sayin - if you see any glitches, please email me at - if there really is a glitch, I'll sendja a free bottle of sauce for reporting it!

Thanks for looking, and have a happy Thanksgiving!

Ps - Lucky Dog Hot Sauce also makes a terrific stocking stuffer!
SWEET! We'll be checking it out!
Fix your Posted Link, Hose-head.

My curser ain't compatible with your clicking linkages.

All Hail to the Unfortunate Squirrels!!!!!!!!!
First thing I notice is that your banner is linked to the https:// and not http://

I get a certificate error in Firefox, that is going to turn people away straight off, since you get a warning message saying "the site might not be safe". I think that has to do with your SSL certificate being loaded on your checkout pages and not the home page. You should be able to just fix the hyperlink in the banner and be good to go. I don't get the certificate error when jumping straight to
Leaving this one to the Tec Pro's. didn't understand half of what was said above. Back to getting ready for the jerk turkey.:)
Oops - my banner is the one thing I didn't change. That's A THP thing though - lol

It's an issue but not with the site - just me being a dork. lol!

First thing I notice is that your banner is linked to the https:// and not http://

I get a certificate error in Firefox, that is going to turn people away straight off, since you get a warning message saying "the site might not be safe". I think that has to do with your SSL certificate being loaded on your checkout pages and not the home page. You should be able to just fix the hyperlink in the banner and be good to go. I don't get the certificate error when jumping straight to

I think the error is because the destination is different than your cached version which raises a red flag - but changing my banner will help.

Ill do that in a few - thanks though, great catch!!

Aggh - so the Google still floats my https link to the top of their search results

Hmm....I think I need to use the google webmaster's tools to request removal of those links.

Great now I have to figure out how to get my new pages to float to the top. Argh

ok, banner linkage should be working from THP now - thanks again TGPS - hugely helpful.

any idea about the SEO issue & getting my new links to the top of results?

feel free to PM me - if anyone knows and is willing to help, this is the sort of help I'd pay in hot sauce for. :woohoo:
One quick fix for the link issue, if you can't find a solution through Google, would be to do a manual redirect. I am not exactly sure how to accomplish that at the moment, but I will look at it tonight.

Full disclosure -- I am in the middle of my re-design as well so all of this is helping me to think through some of my own issue, or things that are going to come up. So in a way I am just being selfish in helping you! ;)
"Cannot Verify Identity"

Yep, that happened when I googled LDHS, and clicked on the link.

Get your shit together, would ya?
I'm not getting to the site. Just did a google for LDHS, got the screen that said "problem with certificate", clicked "continue to site anyway" , and got a Shopify "sorry, this store is no longer available".

didn't get any hits for "foodsbestfriend".

Maybe it's all those stray electrons up here in the Methow again.....messing with me and Scovie....

PS- happy Turkey-day, Scott! Don't spend the whole day messing around online~~~