LV's aquaponics

ultravista said:
Do you have a large aquarium?

See the photos on the first page, I'm using a cut down IBC for the grow bed and fish tank. The fish tank is around 600 litres. My next system will have two tanks of around 500 and 1000 litres feeding approx 800 litres of grow beds.

SeeYouJimmy said:
Looks like you've gathered plenty of info already LV, amazing how it's all growing so fast. Best of luck with it.

Thanks mate, it has been interesting. Looking forward to making a second larger system with some spots reserved for some chilli plants.
Some updates





Got 2 more IBC's, 3 bath tubs and 2 blue barrels, my second system is under way.
SeeYouJimmy said:
That's some really impresive growth LV and ripe fruit already???? Looks like you're on to a winner there.

Well the pods were green when they went in, I do have some new pods coming on though.
Holy Crap! What an impressive growth spurt! :shocked: This is my first year to try and grow peppers and I've already jumped in with a grow tent and lights but I think that after a couple years after I get the hang of things I may just give that a whirl. Congrats on your very effective set-up! :dance:
LordViykor said:
I've started on my next system over the weekend.


This one will have at least one bath tub devoted to growing chillies.

All I can say is wow! I can't wait to see the pics of that project as it progresses! :shocked:
The jade perch have grown to an equal size to the goldfish I had, had being the key word. So far 5 out of 6 goldfish have been killed or maimed by the jades. I've had to kill 2 goldfish due to the damage they copped from the jades, poor things had their eyes and bodies eaten.

The lesson here is don't add anything with the jade perch.
Looks like you're building a bath house :)
There's even a little baby tub for... never mind. I'm stopping picking on my friend. :) said:
Looks like you're building a bath house :)
There's even a little baby tub for... never mind. I'm stopping picking on my friend. :)

There's an idea, I wouldn't mind a bathhouse (Japanese style of course) when it comes to aquaponics though they make for very cheap grow beds.
If you think jade perch are bad trying growing piranhas I started off with 20 and just like highlander THERE CAN BE ONLY 1....
I have made a little progress on my second system, not as much as I would have liked though.

The sleeper wall to hold in all the crusher dust that the system will sit on is nearly complete, as is the hole for the sump tank.

The following photos are of the progress so far.

Garden beds going for the new AP area


Framing under way

Wow amazing project. Maybe after i'm retired i'll have time for that, but I seem to already have my hands full with a simple project in the garage. Best of luck and keep the pics coming.