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recipe-help Macho taco sauce

Has anyone used a can of chipotles in adobo sauce in a ferment? I am gonna try that with cummin and like spices as well as some scorchers to make a diabolical taco fuego sauce.
It's seems like a good shortcut to me. Add some extra garlic power and onion powder and dial in the cumin just right. You may also want to go a little vinegar heavy to get that taco sauce tang! I'd add another pepper for the profile. Something Mexican and dried/powder. Guajillo for example.
The La Morena brand is very good btw.
REMEMBER there is oil in that. If this is something you are bottling you would want to keep that in the fridge unless you bottled it right.
If you want to do it yourself as @dragonsfire said skip the oil, buy some chipotle pods, and soak them in a tomato/vinegar base in the fridge until they are plump. Then use that in your sauce plus the other spices.
Hmmm, the oil is certainly worrisome. Adding the spice for taste instead of using the paste may be the way to go. I have two super hot melt your face off ferments going right now, but being so new to the game I must ask; can I add spices after the fermentation process, such as ginger, and keep the stability of my sauce? Im open to experimentation, but not at the expence of getting anyone sick. I wanna stick with a fun, but safe approach.