• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

Made a new friend today!!!

I got to go to AlabamaJacks house today and all the plants he was gonna throw in the compost bin, he gave them all to me WooHoo! I tell you guys what, AJ is one hell of a guy! He took the time to explain things to me helping me understand peppers in detail. He has an awesome setup and this guy really knows his stuff. I really enjoyed visiting with him and I made a new friend in the process. AJ, Thank you very much for what you did for my wife and I today as it meant the world to us. I remember what you said about pay it forward and will make sure that happens. You are very generous person and really appreciated all you did. When we take our next trip up that way I will have your pots and trays to return to you. Can you believe we came home and potted all those plants! Damn my back hurts now haha. Once again AJ, You are one great guy and if there is anything I can do to repay you then just let me know.

Your Hot Pepper Friend,
cjbrewer5 ..... You lucky Dawg !! Always knew AJ was a true Texas gent.

Peace & good luck with the peppers,
P. Dreadie
that is great!! Love to hear good things about folk here!! AJ did some trading with me and yes he treated me right all the way!!
Aw shucks folks... ***looking down at my feet kicking in the dust***

I really liked the movie "Pay It Forward" because that is the way I live and love...

THP is like a worldwide brotherhood (brother being assexual in this instance) and to meet some of the members that live close is way cool...

If any of you are ever in the Fort Worth area there is an open invitation for a 7 Pot Bloody Mary, and/or a cold Shiner Bock when you stop by.....and if you don't drink alcohol, cokes and southern iced tea

(notice I didn't say Dallas 'cause "life's too short to live in Dallas")

Thanks Charles....I know you and the wife will take good care of the plants...
Thanks Cappy...just been busy with the plants, my little business venture, and gigging about once a week...I had a few of the BS 7 Pod I gave cjb 'cause he and his wife were very nice people...
AlabamaJack said:
Aw shucks folks... ***looking down at my feet kicking in the dust***

I really liked the movie "Pay It Forward" because that is the way I live and love...

THP is like a worldwide brotherhood (brother being assexual in this instance) and to meet some of the members that live close is way cool...

If any of you are ever in the Fort Worth area there is an open invitation for a 7 Pot Bloody Mary, and/or a cold Shiner Bock when you stop by.....and if you don't drink alcohol, cokes and southern iced tea

(notice I didn't say Dallas 'cause "life's too short to live in Dallas")

Thanks Charles....I know you and the wife will take good care of the plants...

Whys it gotta be a brotherhood? Why cant it be a sisterhood? Like the sisterhood of the traveling pants hahah
becasuse it was my post and I wanted to say brotherhood....roflmao
:o) hehe .. do you watch "its always sunny in philadelphia?" .. there was an episode where the 3 main guys inherited a mansion and wanted to have a party but realized they had no friends so they made flyers inviting men to their party and the description was like, "we want strong men, with a good sense of humor that want to have fun... not in a homosexual way. They have to be attractive and fun. Again, not gay .... etc" That was just me re-doing it and im sure all the words are wrong but it just reminded me of what you were saying,.. its a great show!!
That's a great thing being able to share in person. Being a real beginner and new here would be great to really see how the Big Girls ;) (and boys) do it (grow great chiles that is). Would love to find some one in Central CA, to hook up with. Looking at retireing here in the next year or so and love hot food and cooking, so growing chiles will be a good thing to get into.
I will take some pics and post them up in just a little bit. AJ, I stopped by a Greenhouse Nursery in Whiskey flats on the way home and the owner gave me like 65 - 3 gallon pots for FREE!!!!!! They were used but still in great shape. Man that was alot of work, but so much fun!!! I will get some pics and let you guys see whats up! Again BIG THANKS TO ALABAMAJACK for his generosity for the plants and all the info he gave us. Man I'm a lucky guy!!!!

Alright here is some pics of the plants I got from AJ.



And Here are some pics after I potted them up.
Red Savina

Here is some in a group.

I hope ya'll like them. I know I do.
Thanks agian AJ!!!