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Maggots/ worm type in Cow manure

Should i be worried. I recently purchased cow manure from bunnings and now i have maggots everywhere in my garden. They're wriggling in pots where i used the manure and even around some of the plants where i added manure too. I've never seen this before. I have used cow manure from Bunnings many times before. Any idea why this is happening. How to get rid of it.

There are sooooo many and you could physically see the soil moving.
Treat the soil/manure with nematades.

Data sheets:


I'd only be worried when they hatch into giant,nasty ,hungry Horse flies that like to bite...
If you had access to some chickens, if you set them loose in your garden, they'd clean up those maggots in jig time flat.

How big are the maggots? What size? They could be black soldier fly larvae. In which case, I'd say leave 'em be. It'll solve itself.
Their not very large. I really don't think its the soldier fly but maybe more like the horse fly. I'll get pictures soon as Camera's recharged. There are so many it feel gross. Sorry i don't have access to chickens and not that i want chickens knocking over my pots anyway.
Tell Bunnings. I'm sick of their broken s**t. At least get replacement manure from them.

As for the maggots, no idea, I think it's pretty uncommon for a house fly to breed in cow manure, so you might even have something more evil than maggots.
I should do that. I'll email them with the pictures attached. This might be something little but if not can seriously affect people crops those who plant from money. It doesn't seem to be causing much damage in relation to plants but i noticed my healthiest plant 1/3 in the pot just died and some other seeds haven't germinated either. Becuase of so much movement the seeds keep on getting pushed under the soil.
Here's the pics. Tell me i am overeacting someone.


My parents have Donkeys,thus a mountain of manure.
The flies that hatch out bite and draw blood and in the spring it's pretty nasty with flies around bandini mountain.
Those flies,whatever they are,bite the donkeys eyes and ears so bad my parents had to put mosquito type net masks on them to keep the flies off.
I'd get rid of the maggots if it was me...

I think maybe you got some green manure that didn't heat up enough to kill the maggots.
Usually flies lay eggs in the fresher stuff.
Unless you can positively ID them the smartest move would be to get rid of them. I'd dump all of the soil in a single place and let it dry out. Spread it out so the sun and heat can get to it. I wouldn't use it again either. Then contact the folks you got it from and raise some hell. A bug here or there is one thing but when you see the soil moving that isn't right.

Good luck.
Newbie here. I'm gonna say caterpillars based on the last pic. I worry about cutworms, but I believe they are much bigger than yours appear to be. Cutworms can spell disaster so here are some resources:

UMN Extension on Cutworms
URI (Adapted from G.R Nielsen, University of Vermont Extension, 1999)

Bug Guide
Clearly not afraid of peppers

Can you get a macro shot next to a dime or something?

General Resource (beyond Bug Guide):
When I struggle with bug ID, I send pics to the fine folks at What's That Bug (link to cutworm section). Click on "Ask WTB". Their site is so comprehensive I try to only "bug" them if I have a unique shot or am stumped. They will certainly drill down and try to solve it.
Newbie here. I'm gonna say caterpillars based on the last pic. I worry about cutworms, but I believe they are much bigger than yours appear to be. Cutworms can spell disaster so here are some resources:

UMN Extension on Cutworms
URI (Adapted from G.R Nielsen, University of Vermont Extension, 1999)

Bug Guide
Clearly not afraid of peppers

Can you get a macro shot next to a dime or something?

General Resource (beyond Bug Guide):
When I struggle with bug ID, I send pics to the fine folks at What's That Bug (link to cutworm section). Click on "Ask WTB". Their site is so comprehensive I try to only "bug" them if I have a unique shot or am stumped. They will certainly drill down and try to solve it.


Good info:
What type's of peppers are you growing?
Years back we use to have the "In's" when the B&B circus would be in town. We were able to black bag all types of manure........ :eek:
My composts piles would be steaming through the winter, thats the key, being able to get the compost to "work" and heat up so the microbial material will decompose.
Hope your not using "cow" mixed into your indoor medium.

Do you have an area Agri Extension agent, or a Agri College near by?
Maybe a phone call followed up with photos in an email might get you a positive ID for your area.
Call Bunnings too, they may know already...or be in denial. But worth a shot.
I'll contact Bunnings as see what they think it is. I can't just throw all the manure away cos i have used it around the roots of some plants too and won't be able to dig it up without damaging the plants.