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Make it spicy! Do you eat heat with every meal?

Most people I know think I'm crazy! I can eat spicy food for most every meal. Breakfast, toast with habanero jelly, scrambled eggs with primo bits. For lunch I take a random pepper from the fridge to work to chop up on my food or take one of my sauces to put on something from our cafeteria; usually ends up being some sort of soup that I doctor up. Dinner I get home and put powders or sauces on whatever my wife has for me. Am I crazy? Obsessed? Or just a normal pepperhead? Lets hear how often you eat spicy food. No prepped and plated dishes here! Lets hear about your makeshift salads and shoddy sandwiches!
No, I don't eat heat with every meal. Variety is the spice of life - sometimes NOT having heat isn't a bad thing. Breakfast for me is usually a cup of yogurt - I usually like my yogurt with fruit, period. And while I like most of my food much spicier than the average person in this part of the country, "spicy" and "heat" don't mean the same thing - it is very possible to have a very spicy meal without any heat whatsoever. But that said, yes, I do add hot peppers or hot pepper powder to the majority of my meals, but usually along with other herbs and spices, too. Don't have time to make soup from scratch? A can of New England clam chowder usually gets some kind of pepper powder (fatalii most often), filé powder, garlic powder, oregano, and whatever else I'm in the mood for at the moment. Tomato soup? Yeah, pepper powder, basil, garlic, tarragon..... Eggs, brownies, cookies, you name it, they've probably had chile powder of some sort put on them.

So while I'm sure most of us on this site use more heat than average, you just might be a bit on the obsessed side if you can't go a single meal without heat. ;)
most but not all
im actually sitting down to a few
Ciabatta bread pizza right now, with my CHOCOLATE HAND GRENADE HAB on them


thanks your friend Joe
I eat heat with every meal i remember to add some heat to lol. i don't usually cook anything really hot as my wife would not eat it :sick:
For me, probably 75% of the time I eat heat.
Sometimes, I just like my eggs with Black Pepper on them, and Grilled cheese sandwiches just plain are to die for.
Mac and Cheese also. Not to say I don't eat those things with heat, just sometimes I like plain.

I like to cook with heat like Molé, Red Chili, Chorizo con Juevos, etc.
I do like a lot of sauces to add topically to just about everything else.
You've been bitten badger....there's no going back. Welcome to the dark side...

Ok then, yep, almost every meal but like Gee said..some meals I just don't feel like adding any heat to it or I just don't have the right pepper flavor I'm looking for. I'd say its easily 85% though. Today for example, I went to Steak&Shake with the fam. For dinner and I brought a red Caribbean hab with me and earlier in the day when I was snaking on smoke house almonds, I busted out the Sriracha and dabbed it on each one. I love adding a bunch of milk to my macNcheese, then powdering it up and stirring it in....all that soupy cheese sauce is pure gold!
75% of my meals have fresh chilli or a sauce of some kind. Usually eggs in the weekend for breakfast have a good scoop of yellow 7 pot pod jam. Fresh Chilli's with lunch most days and a combo for dinner of fresh and sauces and jam depending on what it is
A rack of pure strain powders, and 3 shakers of assorted mixed batches on the table.
1 is (1/4 left) full of an awesome smoked pepper salt made from 15 or so varieties.
Goes on just about everything I would formerly put table salt on.

Went to a fancy dinner---mixed table of family and strangers---and got around to talking peppers.
Had a little bottle of smoked pepper salt in the car I was delivering to a friend.
It never arrived---everyone wanted a taste.

Popped 3 cherries.
Shipped out 3 bottles next day, gratis, to newly annointed chileheads.

Doesn't go well on ice cream. (except the new bacon ice cream)
Heat / Pretty much everything. I hate sweets and even tho I grow azzloads of fruit, they wind up in a chutney....with heat. Even my Macadamias and cashews. Take some cashews and toss them in the microwave with some chopped jalapeno(meat/no seed).Stir and eat. Incredible.
My wife and I will always add some heat to at least 1 meal a day, if not all of them. Between powders, hot sauces, and peppers, we try to get creative with how we can add some fire to otherwise mild traditional foods. Hell, we even throw ghost pepper powder on our PBJ sandwiches, and have also become quite fond of adding sweeter hot sauces to things like ice cream and cheesecake.

And speaking of heat, it's time to get cracking on our breakfast this morning. We're making hot capicola hash (w/ morugas). Be jealous. :dance:
My wife and I will always add some heat to at least 1 meal a day, if not all of them. Between powders, hot sauces, and peppers, we try to get creative with how we can add some fire to otherwise mild traditional foods. Hell, we even throw ghost pepper powder on our PBJ sandwiches, and have also become quite fond of adding sweeter hot sauces to things like ice cream and cheesecake.

And speaking of heat, it's time to get cracking on our breakfast this morning. We're making hot capicola hash (w/ morugas). Be jealous. :dance:
Not jealous. Nice menu but Booooofalow is still Buffalo. Good Ukrainian munchies tho.Just make sure and eat in. By the time you get it home it'll be frozen.
Yeah, pretty much 90% of food gets spice. I'm addicted. With all the pods and powders around here I say 'why not?'....

ehhhehehe Scovie loves black pepper.

+1 on garlic...keeps mosquitoes from biting me
Ya I think I'm about in the 80% range. I don't think I'd put hot sauce on cinnamon toast crunch either :rolleyes: Most of my drive to use heat lately is the fact that I still have ~2 SFRBs worth of peppers in the fridge that I don't want to go bad. Workin hard to consume them before they get squishy. Hot sauce on ice cream! I have a wonderful fatalii pineapple spice hot sauce that is amazing on ice cream! I made the mistake of only bringing sauce with me to work today, should brought some fresh peppers!