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Making hot sauce with frozen pods

I want to make another batch of hot sauce with my Yellow 7s, but the ones ripening soon will be rotten by the time I have enough more to make a new batch.  If I freeze the pods (in Ziploc bags) that will be ripe soon, can I add them as an ingredient to the sauce and expect a normal result, or does freezing change the pods so my sauce will not have the expected heat and flavor?
ColdSmoke said:
I was wondering about fermenting after freezing. Most the wild yeast come from the surface of the pepper itself (from my understanding) and it seems like those would die off in the freezer. 
 if you are fermenting like dill pickles or kraut, youre doing a lacto bacillus ferment and yeast will make it taste bad, which is why you skim it off the top.  yeast can definitely survive the freeze.