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soil Making my potting soil mix...


I just looked it up, 8 quarts. I would do more, but I haven't found the bulk stuff around here in 2 years and the little bags are like 4.50 a bag. If I found the bulk stuff again, I would probably double the perlite, 32 quarts, or 8 gallons for my mix.

But also remember, the Miracle Gro perlite has nutrients in it, helps feed the plants too.
Hmmm... I am about done mixing the first batch of potting soil mix. I think I'll add maybe a bit more peat moss, and that should be it... possibly one more cup of perlite (7 cups so far). The peat really does seem to be "softening" the mix up... it still kind of clumps up a bit, but the clumps seem to fall apart extremely easily. The acidity, if my pH tester is to be believed, is around 6.4, it looks like maybe a tiny bit less... which is not too bad, actually. From what I read anywhere from 5.5 to 7.0/neutral should work, and I doubt adding a little bit more peat will drop the acidity too much more. So far, I have no idea how much peat I've put in, but it's a decent amount.
You don't need to sweat the mix that much. Growing peppers is supposed to be fun and relaxing, not stress inducing. As far as the peat to top soil ratio I would go 50/50 or even 60/40 with the peat at 60. Peppers like a light, fluffy, airy mix to grow in. Plenty of perlite too. I would avoid top soil next season.

I hear you about money. You could start a garden stash and put 50 cents a day in it. Give you plenty of funds for next time.
Can't tell you how many times I've done something similar. If you can stick and extra buck or your pocket change into it once in a while the amount will surprise the heck out of you when it's time to count and use it. Best of luck to you.