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tutorial Making some puree today...will post pics of the process....it's easy....

well, I was fortunate enough to be the recipient of 2 pounds of Butch T's....and I may ruin them, but I am going to smoke them before making the puree....somehow the smoked puree just sounds good (I like a smoky flavor sometimes too)...

and you know, I was thinking that this smoked puree is going to be stronger than the standard...the pods will be dehydrated a little bit so the capsaicin will be more concentrated....100 gms of smoked is probably gonna be like 120 gms fresh...(I use 100 gms per batch I make up)
I may be wrong but we will see....
AlabamaJack said:
well, I was fortunate enough to be the recipient of 2 pounds of Butch T's....and I may ruin them, but I am going to smoke them before making the puree....somehow the smoked puree just sounds good (I like a smoky flavor sometimes too)...

and you know, I was thinking that this smoked puree is going to be stronger than the standard...the pods will be dehydrated a little bit so the capsaicin will be more concentrated....100 gms of smoked is probably gonna be like 120 gms fresh...(I use 100 gms per batch I make up)
I may be wrong but we will see....
You will not ruin them, in fact you will enjoy the taste much better! I have done several rounds of smoked and it is awesome.
cool...and you know what? I just weighed the finished product and I have had a weight reduction of a little over 50%....most/all of that was water I am sure...
so I would guess this puree should be twice as hot as the previous batches...
I am also very curious of what the color is going to be....I used Hickory to smoke with....why...because I like it :)
as it turns out, I did not cook this batch down...it was thick, thick, thick,,,so thick I had to spoon it into the 4 ounce jars...but...since I did not cook it down, I am pressure canning it at 10 psig for 30 minutes at least...maybe 45...I want to kill ALL the nasties...
wow...I love the color...and am amazes I only got 4 full 4 ounce jars out of 2 lbs...almost 1/2 pound per jar....this shit is fire I'm tellin' ya...toothpick on the tongue lit me up...

I didn't want to dilute the product...and I don't mind it being a "spoonin' " "condiment"
I love CaJohn's purees from a convenience factor as well as flavor - I can buy them online and also pick some up at his little shop in Columbus any time I'm down that way. 
I still have ONE jar of AJ's fatalii puree in a cool, dark place in my basement, and I don't want to open it until I know I can get MORE! It's better than gold in my book.
Sauce vs. puree . . . I am not really a sauce fan. I'll eat some from time to time, but I'm almost always reminded of why I don't care for sauces. Purees, on the other hand, as AJ mentioned, taste way more like the real deal. 
And yeah, AJ, I've gone through a few bottles of CaJohn's chipotle puree - as good as his is, I know yours will likely be just that notch better that takes it over the edge. 
About to attempt a fatalii/aji pineapple puree, I just have to figure out how much is 100 grams, thought we had a scale but no such luck...pics to follow!
speaking of "scaling"  where is that recent thread where someone broke it down(did the math) in the post ?