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fermenting Making some thangs, Puree, hot sauce, ferment.

I  got  a  few  peppers to  process and was  thinking about trying my hand at either fermenting, AJs Puree  or a mash... not that I really know the differences between mash and ferment. 
What I do have on hand are large ball jars, regular jars, kosher salt, pickling salt,  two flip top lids with  airlocks that fit  them, ph probe and a handful of peppers. 
El scorponero (Carbonero x butch T yellow)

481 grams

and some the Devils prick (paper lantern x butch T yellow) 455g

Both of these  taste good enough I think they would make really nice hot sauces in the future. 
I don't have any starter so I suppose i'd have  to go for Wild Fermentation.
I'll give  AJ's  Puree a try as well. Maybe smoke some over alder. 
Pasted here for my reference 
Leaving this here for my easy reference 
Guajillo Salsa y marinade:
  • 4 guajillo chiles toasted and rehydrated
  • 1 pablano roasted
  • roasted garlic 4 cloves
  • 2T olive oil
  • 1can chipotle sauce
  • 1T rice vinegar
  • 1tsp kosher salt
  • 2T soy sauce
  • 1T dark brown  sugar
  1. Throw ingredients in food processor and blend until smooth
Looking good man. That puree looks and sounds fantastic. I just opened up a jar of my pecan smoked chocolate mix puree yesterday and holy hell. It may be the only way I go from now on. So Damn good and enough burn to feel it still today. Those vinegars look great, but I have a feeling they won't last long. I made a datil vinegar with an old Frank's bottle earlier in the summer, I've refilled the vinegar probably 5 times now. For that I just julienned the datils, threw in some garlic and peppercorns, then 50/50 acv and distilled white. Gonna make another batch soon with much bigger bottles. Another puree coming soon too with yellow MoA, Jay's PGS, and peach bhut