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preservation Making Vinegar

Anybody make their own vinegar? I tried to start a batch last fall but I forgot about it and when I checked on it this summer it was evaporated. [emoji45]I was using white wine and a little unfiltered apple cider vinegar.

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I've made a few vinegars. I usually save leftover bottles of wine from the restaurants I've worked at. Man, the red wine vinegar I've made is intense! Makes the storebought stuff seem like hose water.
The best vinegar I've made was from a home brewed stout, I wish I had made more. I didn't know vinegar could be that complex, deep dark, roasty, grainy. And beer vinegar mother is crazy thick, looks like a kombucha scoby.
And I've always used either Braggs ACV or some of the mother from a previous batch.
This is a mother created from my last batch.
dragonsfire said:
Poured of my Home made Vinegar, very strong smell of Vinegar. Considering doing a large batch that way it will age for a while.
That looks great. What kind is it? Apple cider?How long did it go for?
I’ve been thinking of making a malt vinegar, but I can’t not drink all my beer. [emoji14]

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Apple juice from the store unpasteurised. its about 5 months old.
Malt vinegar is what Im contemplating next, have a pound of crystal malt just need to get some regular malt, probably will start it later this month :)
Reviving this thread. I will have some blueberry wine leftovers soon and am thinking to take the pulp and some other liquid to get it to the low abv that vinegar likes, add some Bragg's for starter and see what happens.

There will be a good amount of strongly fermented blueberry pulp that I am hoping will give it a good solid flavor. Is there a problem with leaving the pulp in for now and filtering later?
Everything is still bubbling pretty active today, I'm thinking we will run it next weekend. We have a hydrometer from John's beer making days, did you know they don't have an expiration day? Lol. Anyway, we should be able to dilute down to 7% and I have some ancient Bragg's that should work.
salsalady said:
Just a joke....about a hydrometer.....bad pun...kind of like when I tell clients that our "wire stretcher" is broken and I can't move that outlet 3 feet over.
Used to hang out with a lot of gearheads... they loved messing with people. Oh, yeah, I just noticed you seem to be low on blinker fluid. And if you've let that go, you might need new muffler bearings, too.
Really interesting thread on vinegar, though. Things it'd never have even occurred to me to try making. :)
salsalady said:
I don't think the episodes of a fruit fly getting into my red wine counts.  I'm interested if someone has made some vinegar from scratch.   
You don't make vinegar from scratch - vinegar is always "wine gone bad".
Acetic Acid Bacteria (AAB) needs to eat alcohol in order to produce Acetic Acid.
dragonsfire said:
Probably adds flavour, just make sure alcohol is not over 7%, will kill or inhibit the mother. I have cranberries been wanting to make a batch.
Says the 10% vinegar in my cabinet. You can't even buy 5% vinegar made in this country - if it's that weak, then it's imported.
podz said:
You don't make vinegar from scratch - vinegar is always "wine gone bad".
Acetic Acid Bacteria (AAB) needs to eat alcohol in order to produce Acetic Acid.

I was referring to me making the wine, then making the vinegar... ie...the From scratch reference.

podz said:
Says the 10% vinegar in my cabinet. You can't even buy 5% vinegar made in this country - if it's that weak, then it's imported.
10% is not common over here. Interesting. I'm looking forward to trying this out.

I think we'll be processing some wine next week. I'll be sure to take pics.