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Man dies after eating chilli sauce

News.com.au reminds me of Today Tonight or A Current Affair in how they beat up stories.

My guess is the poor bugger either had an allergic reaction, given the itchy/scratchy he was suffering from as he went to sleep and the Chillis must be to blame as it was the last thing he may have eaten. I'm being sarcastic about the Chillis :)

It reminds me of a story my fiance tells me all the time. A woman got incredibly sick due to a Woolworths cake she ate. Media ran with the story claiming it was Woolies fault she was sick due to mishandling of the goods etc..

Turns out the woman took the FRESH CREAM cake home and left on her kitchen bench for three days in the middle of a heat-wave until the cake began spoiling. She then ate it, complained to her husband it tasted odd - but continued to finishing eating half a spoilt cake. Eventually she was forced to apologise (due to a court case or somethign like that) but it never made the main stream media that Woolies had done nothing wrong afterall.
I agree that the itching indicates an allergic reaction. At least they say "died after" not "died from" eating the sauce.
Aspiring chef dies hours after making ultra-hot sauce for chilli-eating contest

From http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...hot-sauce-chilli-eating-contest.html?ITO=1490:

An aspiring cook who challenged his friend to a chilli-eating contest died just hours later.

Andrew Lee, 33, had used a bag of home-grown red chillies to make a super-hot sauce.

The forklift truck driver, who had recently passed a medical at work, dared his girlfriend's brother to eat a spoonful - then ate a plateful himself. Shortly after he had a heart attack and died.

Mr Lee took a jar of the sauce to his girlfriend's house last weekend, where he challenged her brother Michael, his family said.

His sister, Claire Chadbourne, 29, explained: 'They had a contest over who could make the hottest chilli sauce.

'Andrew had used chillies to make Thai dishes before but had never made anything this hot.

'My dad grew the chillies especially for Andrew. The contest was planned and he gave them to him.

'Andrew just ate it with a plate of Dolmio. It was not a proper meal because he had already eaten lamb chops and mash after coming home from work. I don't know if Michael ate the chilli sauce as well.'

But as he went to bed after the contest, Mr Lee, of Edlington, Doncaster, had complained of itching, she added.

The next morning, his girlfriend Samantha Bailey, a mother of four, found him unconscious.

She called an ambulance, but paramedics were unable to revive him. Mr Lee was pronounced dead at the scene.

Mrs Chadbourne added: 'He apparently got into bed at 2.30am and started scratching all over.

'His girlfriend scratched his back until he fell asleep. She woke up and he was dead.

'Who would have thought he could have died from eating chilli sauce? We don't know of anything else that could have caused his death.

'He was perfectly healthy and the post-mortem showed no heart problems.'

She added: 'He loved cooking for his friends and was a good cook. He always said he wanted to be a chef but didn't want to start at the bottom.

'He would do anything for anybody. He never held a grudge and loved fishing and computers.'

Mr Lee's mother, Pamela, 61, said: 'He had used chillies in cooking but never made a sauce like this before.

1'He tested the sauce after making it, stuck his finger in and went to wash it, saying, "Wow, that's hot."

'We don't know what happened to him. Something has given him a cardiac arrest and we can only put it down to the chilli sauce.'

Toxicology tests are under way to see whether Mr Lee had a fatal reaction to the sauce.

Attempts to develop ever hotter varieties of chilli pepper have been condemned by health experts, who warn of potentially lethal effects.

Mild adverse reactions can include burning eyes, a streaming nose and uncontrollable hiccups.
Yes, I've heard of a flight attendant that drowned on a flight after drinking 27 litres of water over some period...

I never thought severe itching would be an adverse reaction to chilli consumption though
A year or two ago a girl died in a disco over here. She took some Ecstasy and was so afraid of dehydrating that she drank water non-stop all night. I don't remember how much, but it was A LOT!!!!
what a load of Bullshit.
he died of something but not the chilli.
some sort of allergic reation or anyrism what ever.
I hate the fact that they will print this swill, as journalists they should be ashamed.
About ANYTHING can cause (sometimes fatal) allergic reactions. You can even sensitize to substances you are absolutely used to. Bakers can get a flour dust allergy. But everybody eats bread so nobody would blame the flour, nurses can get a nickel allergy because of the medical instruments and nobody would blame the nickel. But eating hot chilis is supposed to be "wild style" like tattoos or motorcycle riding. So the press has someone or something to blame. Flour or nickel don't make headlines.
I am not a doctor so this may be complete bull, but could he have somehow overdosed on natural endorphins? I have heard that opiates can make you itchy and as i understand the receptors used in the recieving of both natural endorphins and opiates are the same.
Can anyone tell me if i am thinking right?
Novacastrian said:
I am not a doctor so this may be complete bull, but could he have somehow overdosed on natural endorphins? I have heard that opiates can make you icthy and as i understand the receptors used in the recieving of both natural endorphins and opiates are the same.
Can anyone tell me if i am thinking right?

The receptors for opiates and endorphines are the same. Itching is a very rare side effect of opiate and it's not endorphine-receptor-mediated. It is mediated by inflammatory mediators like histamin. I'm pretty sure he died of an anaphylactic reaction starting with an itching allergic exanthema and ending in fatal shock.
he apparently suffered a heart attack, but he had been given a clean bill of health in a recent medical.
But it must have been the chilli sauce as that was the last thing he ate, what an easy point the finger of blame option that is. The worst thing about this story is that some folk will believe it even though there are no solid facts to back up any claims that were made.
I think we roule point the journos in the direction of mr hippyseed himself and ask them to compare a dead guy who had some sauce, and neil who lives on it!
Even IF the sauce killed him, it could've been anything in there, not just the chilis. After all, it was a home made sauce and only god knows what else he has used to make it.
Davetaylor said:
I think we roule point the journos in the direction of mr hippyseed himself and ask them to compare a dead guy who had some sauce, and neil who lives on it!
Hey I live on it too! Well, that and beer.... :lol:
THSC, there have been several posts today about this and I sure would be interested to know the final outcome after they finish the post mortem...surely they will do an autposy?

I just don't believe the chilis did it...I will bet you that when they find the cause, it was either something else besides the sauce or the sauce had spoiled and was actually poison....
Armadillo said:
The receptors for opiates and endorphines are the same. Itching is a very rare side effect of opiate and it's not endorphine-receptor-mediated. It is mediated by inflammatory mediators like histamin. I'm pretty sure he died of an anaphylactic reaction starting with an itching allergic exanthema and ending in fatal shock.

Thanks for the reply Armadillo, cleared up what i was thinking about nicely:)