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Mango Habanero Squash Sauce

I made a really good mango habanero sauce today. I used my new ph meter to make sure my sauce was down around 3.7 and made sure I bottled it at 195 degrees (hot enough for it to splatter in my eye at one point) and then flipped them upside down for 30 minutes. I tried to measure everything in grams. I was able to fill a dozen 5 oz woozies and a half-pint jar. The sauce is thick and fruity with a nice spicy punch at the end (although it quickly dissipates). I'm looking forward to tasting it tomorrow, after the flavors have gotten a chance to cuddle up overnight.

Here's what I put in it:

28.5 g of Jamaican Scotch Bonnet Orange
70.5 g of Orange Habaneros
216 g of Yellow Sweet Peppers
11 oz of Peaches
24 oz of Mango
125 g of Garlic
355 g of Vidalia Onions
672 g of Spaghetti Squash
2 g of Powdered Ginger
50 g of Light Brown Suga
15 g of Salt
½ cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
1.5 cups of Peach Nectar
¼ cup of Honey
1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
Zest of 1 Orange




Hi Stemwinder.

Did you calibrate your new pH meter first? Looking at your ingredients, I don't see how only a 1/2 C of vinegar can get you down to a pH of 3.7.

Just a thought.
Hi Stemwinder.

Did you calibrate your new pH meter first? Looking at your ingredients, I don't see how only a 1/2 C of vinegar can get you down to a pH of 3.7.

Just a thought.

I thought that I had it calibrated. To be honest, my meter is a pain in the butt. I'll change out the batteries (the ones that came with it) and re-calibrate it before I make my next sauce. But I think you are right... and I think that's what went wrong with the sauce. That said, I ended up eating it... and I'm alive and well to tell you about it.