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Mango Pumpkin

I wanted to get some pineapple but the last 2 months non in stock for some reason so making this without unfortunately :(
700 gr Pie Pumpkin shredded
400 gr Dried Organic Mango
45 gr sliced fresh Ginger
1 tbs Whole Allspice ground
1/4 tsp Nutmeg
2 tbs Seasoning mix
1 tbs Natural Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tbs Kefir
3% brine
Ghost Pepper, about a tablespoon.

JohnsMyName said:
Never heard of mealworms in a ferment, how strange.

Just kidding df :) Glad to hear it's active, I'm also very interested in this one. Keep us posted!
:lol:  I was thinking the same thing!  Looks like mealworms but I knew that was not the case.  :lol:
Thanks for keeping us posted with pics, Dragonfire~
but now...having said that about the mealworms......someone will prolly try it!  :rolleyes:
Still going :)

Gave it a stir just now and licked the spoon. Nice pleasant salty fruity taste, some heat, not much, taste the spice like a pie, light vinegar taste.
Looking forward to the finished product :)
After my walk today I decided to add two more Ghost peppers. These are dehydrated, mixed them in and had another lick on the spoon, allot more heat then this morning so by stirring it up it spread the heat, lips still tingling. :)
Hey brother, that's looking mighty good. Have you considered adding the pineapple at processing time? You could grill it to get some great caramelizing action going on with it for some extra layers of flavor, just a thought.
Just from a safety point, by now your primary fermentation is done and the LAB will be falling out. You didn't say how long you were going to let it go for, I don't go for less than 45 days, but you're going to need to be careful about opening it any more. I always follow the principle of once it's closed up don't open it till your ready to process. Well, unless you start to find something dark and fuzzy growing in it :) You want that layer of CO2 to build up so that it remains an anaerobic environment in which the bad nasties can't grow. Open it only enough to burp gas out and not let air in. JMHO :cool:
Cheers Brothers
Thanks :)
Its still going and pop the cap a couple times a day just so it burps and shut it quick.
I would have used Pineapple but it has not been available for some time now. I got some today finally and need to decide what to do with it. I also got more of the Shiitake mushrooms so I can redo the first experiment, thought about putting the pineapple with that but the experiment would not be the same.
Do you still have or can you get the pineapple?
I agree with RM that a grilled pineapple added when you mix/cook/bottle would be a great addition.  Also, it sounds like availability is an issue for the pineapple.  If it's going to get cooked up and ground up in a sauce.... Buy the pineapple when it's available, grill it and then freeze it until it's needed for a sauce or whatever.
salsalady said:
:lol:  I was thinking the same thing!  Looks like mealworms but I knew that was not the case.  :lol:
Thanks for keeping us posted with pics, Dragonfire~

but now...having said that about the mealworms......someone will prolly try it!  :rolleyes:
its a great source of protein  :) 
Bottled (Jared) it this morning, light blitz.
Flavor is nice and tangy and fruity, heat a little less then Jalapenos, needed more body in my opinion but nice as a light sauce, probably perfect as a fish sauce or something light.