• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Manzano Glog

I got to thinking there are a lot of people growing this pepper and I think for the first time for a lot of us.  Thought it might be neat to see everyone's Manzano as they progress through the year.
I have three plants, all yellow.  My first plant was sowed in Octobish of last year and I have two that are from around Christmas time.
So who all is trying to grow these long distance runners of the pepper world?

Here are my three babies.  The two smaller ones are the same age, but the smaller one had a massive helmet head and I didn't think it would survive.
I think I'm going to have to create a whole new bed for Manzanos.  Because I had such poor luck germinating last year, I over-planted this year.  Except for one variety, I had excellent germination results this year and so have many, many plants.  Will post pics soon.
Pr0digal_son said:
Semillas.de is probably the best place to get pubescen seeds. He has a great list and the germ rates are unmatched.
No kidding.
So what is everyone's thoughts on heat level?  I have read 12-30k. 30-100K, and 100-350K.  I had always thought 12-30 was what they were.  Really don't think they have hab heat do they?
Just curious, because my plan it to stuff some of these (if I get some) and I really don't want a non pepper person getting a hold of something that is way too hot for them...even though it could be amusing.
I've never eaten one, so can't comment on heat.
Here's a picture of a flat of Orange Locotos, seed from PaulG, originally from PepperMania.

Terrible picture, I know.  They're not bashful, just facing a south-facing picture window, in a poorly heated room.  When I checked this morning, the temperature on that shelf was 47ºF.  Doesn't really seem to bother them, except to slow down the growth rate, and right now, that's a good thing.  Also helps keep down the fungus gnats and aphids.
Only had a couple at the very end of last season. I would say 40k range but one must bear in mind that there is a ton of flesh on these peppers. I chopped up one about the size of a golf ball and put it in a few cups of pico I made you would have thought I put a hab in instead. 1/4" thick flesh vs. 1/16" of the hab.
I myself can't wait to have some pods to taste.
I intend on growing them under a Live Oak, as well as under the shade cloth. I have an old trampoline bottom I can use too. Just have to see how they do here.
BTW: more excellant pics!
I have a double row of arbs to the west so there won't be a wind issue from that direction.  If I keep them in front of the house under the maples the north wind won't hit them either.  Hopefully they make it to plant out and survive the summer.
Wow, Jeff, those plants look great.  Mine OWs are about that size, but are just barely hanging on.  Maybe I'll set them outside for a little while tomorrow; it's supposed to get up to the mid-70s.