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Manzano (Rocoto) Pepper Sauce

The ingredients I went with: manzano peppers (1.5lbs+), habanero peppers (6), cipollini onions (3), garlic (6 cloves), carrot, small red delicious apple (experiment).

Chopped it all up into pieces after a clean/rinse/peel. Added a ~3% Brine. Let it go (lacto ferment) for 1 week. It was very active. Everything tasted about where I wanted it.

Blended into a puree. Did not strain. I wanted it thick!
Added: apple cider vinegar, paprika for smokiness and color, cracked black pepper, guar gum to prevent separation.

Good flavor!
so i've not fermented a sauce yet...what are you tasting at the 1 week mark? the brine? a piece of pepper? 
seems like a lot of people ferment at least 30 days?
whats the heat like on those manzanos?
looks great!
1 weeks is nice n salty + tart/pungent. I try a piece of anything I can. In this case, i tried all the ingredients.
A lot of people have way more patience than me. I want to do a much longer fermentation of a duplicate recipe (of any of my recipes) soon. In my opinion, taste is always subjective. That translates to your ferment time. I was just happy with where it was at and out of video games to play.
Manzanos were thick walled with a nice heat. Less than a habanero.
My last one was serrano, poblano, and banana pepper with garlic. (Center)
Right and Left is straight up habanero and garlic with no additions.