• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Masher's 2018 community grow

Hello all, thanks for looking in. I hope to do a better job this season updating through the busy months of summer.
I will be dialing things down this year and concentrating on less strains since i have enough XXX powders to last many years.
Just put seeds into my soaking solution - 2 tsp clonex liquid to 1 gal H20.
Current seed list 2018, all gifted from THP members or from pods I grew last season also from THP members.
PaulG - PDN x Bonda F6....Two phenos (reg and late season purple as the label indicated)
Devv - Brainstrain - THP Growdown (Supplier Pepper-Guru)
Hogleg - Red and Orange Rocoto 
Wiriwiri - Short Yellow Tobasco and Guyana Tragedy
Unknown? - BBG7 Red (possibly Texas hot peppers? Moruga welder?)
Unknown? - BBG7 White F2
More rocotos...waiting on seeds
Seed house via the web - Stavros pepperoncini for pickling, 3rd year collecting/drying seeds.
Seeds will soak 24hrs, then into rock wool plugs to wait for hooks.
Lighting will be T-5's as space allows...will move into 600W & 1000W  hid room as/if needed.
Ideally I will get a small green house up this season so i don't have to use hid lighting.
good luck everyone  :dance:
Hi Sandy, I ended up assembling it at my folks place. It's about a 10 min drive away and they have the time to watch over the plants inside.
Mom's bday and mothers day are same weekend so I gifted it to her.

I just put in 3 new cedar racks today as well.

It's currently holding 8 full size trays of vegetable seedlings.

I used it to harden off about 30 pepper plants and most of those were sold or part of my peppers I chopped up in pics above.

Your weather should be getting ready soon too I hope.

why do pepper people chop their plants so far down? In canna community they only pinch off the top tiny leaf node that's forming. It accomplishes the same thing without butchering the plant. I've been baffled by this since joining this site. I've seen it all over with peppers on facebook too. Seems odd to me. I wonder who started this trend. 
D3monic said:
why do pepper people chop their plants so far down? In canna community they only pinch off the top tiny leaf node that's forming. It accomplishes the same thing without butchering the plant. I've been baffled by this since joining this site. I've seen it all over with peppers on facebook too. Seems odd to me. I wonder who started this trend. 
I chopped them so low to try and keep the growth uniform and revert energy to the lower half to branch out vs any energy wasted on those early pods and fruiting.

Node spacing was getting to far apart and I didn't want weird branching and stretching from nodes closer to the tops of the initial fork vs the tighter node spacing on the lower sections.

It's more of an experiment at this point to see how each set performs from here on out, I am pretty confident they will flourish.
Oh that 's a lovely gift  to your mom... very nice & thoughtful.
Yes we are getting out of the cold weather into much needed warmth ...we had summer here for 2 days ...temps in the 80's,then reverted to Spring like temps.
My seedlings are in the GH ...acclimating ..so far so good.
Go Yanks..they are. :hot: :party: 
D3monic said:
why do pepper people chop their plants so far down? In canna community they only pinch off the top tiny leaf node that's forming. It accomplishes the same thing without butchering the plant. I've been baffled by this since joining this site. I've seen it all over with peppers on facebook too. Seems odd to me. I wonder who started this trend. 
Yeah, I started out growing MJ before I switched over to peppers and I've wondered the same thing. When I experimented with topping peppers I just pinched the tiny leaf node, worked fine. Seems like a lot of wasted growth energy to cut them so far back.
Pretty big plants you've got there Masher! How's the weather there?
Can I ask why do you let the pods grow so big and still cut them off?
Been lazy keeping this updated and my peppers are mixed amongst my veg beds.

So just going to throw in group shots of everything.

My pickling cuke trellis.


Group shot same bed...harvested the lettuces used scraps for mulch
Rocotos and a Guyana tradegy remains.


My pole beans and mixed in peppers.
Rocotos, mini yellow tobascos, The GT plants, a Bbg 7 red and f2 white


Various indeterminate tomatoes in pots and determinate in topsy turvy's.



My largest pepper bed mixed with sunflowers and pineapple sages.
Pepperoncinis, Anteps, Rocotos.


Gigantic sunflowers with mixed smaller species and the tristana f6 plants.

3 pdn x bonda whites and 3 pdn x bonda purples.
Almost gave up on these from disastrous over feeding damage but finally recovering with blooms and pods.


Day 4 of 1st batch of pickles brining before storage and a few red rocoto pods.
