• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Mattys first ever Glog "Into the fire" 2019 season

Hello everyone and thanks for looking at my "Into the Fire" Glog!!
So I started my gardening hobby in my early 20's about 16 years ago now, and though I have played around with many types of flowers/vegis  tomato's is what most of my energy was put into. I loved alll the different colors and types that could be grown which really reminds me of all the exciting Chilli variety's that exist today. A couple seasons ago while looking for some info on a particular type of sweet pepper I stumbled onto a few videos of some people eating super hots (Ghost,Reapers ect..).  After looking into it a little more I figured this would be a very interesting thing to grow even just as a novelty since really no one in my area grows much if anything at all.
Last Winter I went and bought some seeds from Ebay..one was a mixed bag Ghost/Reaper/Scorpion...another was the Peter Pepper and the third was some type of Thai i believe. Only the Thai ended up growing true to type and the other 2 was a Cayenne and Ornamental. I was pretty disappointed when they did finally start putting out pods. It was around that time I started looking for a group or forum dedicated to Chillis, and luck would have it I found THP and all of you fantastic peoples.
Anyways with the boring back story outta the way I really planned ahead for this years grow....I built a 6'Hx6'Lx2'D grow box (not exact mesurments) which has 3 shelves and the middle one able to come out if I wnated to grow larger plants from the bottom tier. I went overkill on seed types making 3 decent size buys, 2 of which were 30+ from Garth at TexasHotPeppers and a smaller one from a fella in Arz.
I do not plan to grow all of these as my wife would kill me, but 20 or so might not be so bad.
The list:
Trinidad X strain
Pimenta Chris fat
Bonda Mahala
7 Pot Lava (Red)
Jays Choc Ghost Scorpion
Yaki Blue Fawn
BB7 Bhut Choc
Tobago Treasure
Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion
Peach Bhut WM
Borg 9 Yellow
Arseclown Jolokia
Red Savina X Fatalii (Yellow)
Tobago Seasoning
Peachgum Tiger MAMP V1
Uraguay Seasoning
Reaper X SRTSL
Aji Charapita
MOA Scotch Bonnet
Reaper X BOC F3
7 Pot Moruga Scorpion
Choc Primo
BB7 Jobito Choc
Bad Brains
White Naga
7 Pot Pink
Tepin X Lemon Drop
Big Caramel Mama
Brainstrain X Reaper
Scotch Bonnet Long
Tangerine Hab
Big Yellow Mama
Monster Apocallise
Kraken Peach
Devils Tongue White
Bhutlah Lime X
Peach Bleeder
Jumbo Naga smooth
Jonahs Orange Nipple
Tiger bibi
Orange ghost Jami
Purple Reaper
Monkey Face yellow
Mustard reaper X
Peach Bonnet Scorpion
Naga Viper
Naga Viper Choc
BBG 7 white
BBG7 midnight
komodo Dragon
Red Mazano
Bad Brains pepper
Jonahs Yellow
Sepia Reaper
Fialga Roxa
Sugar Rush x Mango
white lightening Bolt
PDN x douglah 2.3
7 pot burgendy
Bleeding Heart yellow
Nagabon X Yellow Primo (yellow)
Orange Yaky
Orange Fatlli Scorpion
That was my 2 buys from Garth (The above list)
This is the smaller buy from Negroni
Chocolate Reapers
Red Ghost Peppers
Butch Taylor Reaper
Chocolate Scorpion Pepper
Red and Yellow 7 Pot Chaguanas
7 Pot Brain Strain
Bahamian Goat Pepper
Yellow Reaper
So would like to see some favorites and suggestions from the fine people here at THP so I can kinda get it down to a much much smaller grow list. Will also get some pics up shortly here of my grow box which still has one more shelf I need to wire up just waiting on a few more strip lights to arrive in the mail, but will still give an idea of what it will all look like when its done.
In final: This is a new hobby for me within the hobby I already enjoy...I am going to try some new things (new for me) and even the much earlier starts then normal will be interesting to see how it all comes out at the end.  I look forward to the input from the community and keeping this glog updated as much as I can.
Here is too success in 2019!!
Paul...you PT'd in my thread and didn't even brag aboot it......for shame  :shame:
And thanks bud appreciate that.
I have not really had a chance to even look at anything today except the seeds up top this morning at which time nothing had pop as of yet thankfully. And I say thankfully cause I have been  sick as a dog since Friday night, I knew something was coming early in the week since the kids had a virus hitting the chest with bad coughs and phlegm, I had a headache that just wouldn't shake and Friday evening it came to a head.
This is the 3rd bloody time since Christmas I have had something bring me under the weather though this one is by far the worst, spent most of the day in bed yesterday and today which is literally driving me crazy.
CDNmatt said:
Paul...you PT'd in my thread and didn't even brag aboot it......for shame  :shame:
Trying to maintain a low profile  :rofl:
Don't want folk to start picking me off!
Had to unlike that post, Matt. Sorry to hear 
you are under the weather.  Take care of yusef, 
PaulG said:
Don't want folk to start picking me off!
Had to unlike that post, Matt. Sorry to hear 
you are under the weather.  Take care of yusef, 
CaneDog said:
Hey Matt. Hope you get through it fast!  This winter hasn't been treating you too kindly it seems. 
Glad your peppers are showing good health at least!
wiriwiri said:
PtMD989 said:
Sorry to hear about you having “the crud “. Hopefully this windyassed weather will settle down before it gets up to you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Thank you guys it was very pleasant to wake up to these nice comments this morning.
I think (hope) I am over the hump and so far feel abit better then I did yesterday. My cough has broken up alittle and starting to spit  up all the grossness from my chest, pretty tired still but do not feel on the edge of death like that past couple days it was pretty brutal.
And you as well Dee ty sir
So today seems to be much better, the cough is almost completely gone and fever has broken for good it would seem. My body however is extremely soar, most likely from being laid up for a few days in bed, and still having issues with energy but hopefully that gets better as the day goes on.
Just in time too cause I think I saw some heads poking up last night before bed on the heat mat, and I still need to set up something on the bottom shelf for them.
PaulG said:
Take it easy for a day or two, friend!
Don't want to prolong the recovery.
Hope you saw lots of hooks in your
tray this morning! 

I did see more hooks then expected yesterday Paul so thank you for that. I still had not got around to getting anything set up on the bottom shelf till a couple hours ago which I will put some pics up around or after dinner time.
So while I was setting up my jimmy rig corn bulb set up I got to thinking, which is never a good thing in most cases but anyways.....So on the top shelf it gets hot and of course heat rises so it gets alot of the throw off heat from the middle shelf as well its high enough where it is getting the warmer temps just from the room it's self, so naturally I have the fans going pretty much non stop......however, on the middle shelf I rarely run 'Fanzilla' cause it actually can get alittle too cool for my liking.....Anyways what I am trying to get at in a not so short way is when should I really start to worry about Edema issues?? like it is pretty dry ...and I mean really dry most of the time to where my skin cracks on my hands non stop through the winters.....is this something I should only worry about if I had a higher humidity?? should I still run the fans more often even if it is just to make sure the stems are stronger??
Matty, glad you're feeling better, and have lots of new
little friends  ;)
I only run my little fan on my seedlings for 2-3 weeks
an hour a day, and that is enough to kick them into
strong-stem mode. I start when they have true leaves.
Sometimes I even skip a day  :shh:
As long as your plants look good, and are growing,
I wouldn't worry about humidity. The humidity here
varies 65% to 95% this time of year. The garage is
a bit drier, I imagine. I don't have many edema issues.
Do you see signs of edema? If not, just keep watch.
No smoke, no fire  :high:
PaulG said:
Matty, glad you're feeling better, and have lots of new
little friends  ;)
I only run my little fan on my seedlings for 2-3 weeks
an hour a day, and that is enough to kick them into
strong-stem mode. I start when they have true leaves.
Sometimes I even skip a day  :shh:
As long as your plants look good, and are growing,
I wouldn't worry about humidity. The humidity here
varies 65% to 95% this time of year. The garage is
a bit drier, I imagine. I don't have many edema issues.
Do you see signs of edema? If not, just keep watch.
No smoke, no fire  :high:

No signs at all so this was more of a just incase type of question or prevention, since it seems to be such a common problem for THP members. I just was not sure if it being so dry would really help with that, or if I did not have a fan on them it would eventually come anyways.
I could not even tell you what the actual humidity is since I have nothing at the moment to measure...but I did buy a couple therms that also measured humidity but do not expect them for a couple more weeks at best here. I can say for sure that its dry...very very very dry which is normal here for all seasons, unless its literally raining.
CDNmatt said:
No signs at all so this was more of a just incase type of question or prevention, since it seems to be such a common problem for THP members. I just was not sure if it being so dry would really help with that, or if I did not have a fan on them it would eventually come anyways.
I could not even tell you what the actual humidity is since I have nothing at the moment to measure...but I did buy a couple therms that also measured humidity but do not expect them for a couple more weeks at best here. I can say for sure that its dry...very very very dry which is normal here for all seasons, unless its literally raining.
The best way to avoid edema is not to overwater,
and to air things out a little every day. I open my
grow shelf for several hours each day.
I now weigh my pots  (n<#1) to see when they
need water in order to avoid it. And I use a 'Moisture
Meter' with my larger, (n≥#1) and up pots until plant-out.  
After a while kind of a rhythm develops, and I get a sense
of how often each plant needs water. Some just use more
than others, which is why i don't like 'one-size-fits-all'
watering in my situation. I label plants with watering dates,
since they are all different.
Each plant gets custom treatment :crazy: until plant-out.
That's why I only have 35-50  :D
I think Andy and Red jinxed me this morning...I was aboot to crank on the lights this afternoon and just happened to take a peek behind the first layer of plants on the middle shelf, at least half of the shelf was in dire need of water...few of them had done the 90deg bendover. Thought I was gonna lose a couple but they came back pretty decent...lost a couple leaves but overall not too terrible.
So here is a couple pics of the bottom shelf rig....not the greatest of pics but gives a general idea of what it would look like.....I can set up aboot 7-8 of those bulb rigs as I need them or if I do anyways.


Before I came down with the plague this past weekend the plan was to sit down and make my cuts to see who was gonna stay and who had to go far as chillis went, obviously that did not happen. So I will have to try and mangle up some strength and gitter dun by Sat/Sun as it is kinda getting to a critical point now.
I am kinda a tad torn though....I know I can easily sell some plants....and this may seem funny to some but my goal was to dominate the local fair in the fall with some of these, my fear is I may bring aboot my own competition if I sell some  :think:
And one thing to touch on.....I been typing "Aboot" for almost 2 months and no one has commented on it.....lol Everyone is too damn polite here I think or must think I am a complete idiot one or the other or abit of both..lol
Anywyas when we get talking fast the aboots really do come a flying, I used to get flack 'Aboot' it alot in my online gaming days, so just like to have fun with it when I can.
CDNmatt said:
I think Andy and Red jinxed me this morning...I was aboot to crank on the lights this afternoon and just happened to take a peek behind the first layer of plants on the middle shelf, at least half of the shelf was in dire need of water...few of them had done the 90deg bendover. Thought I was gonna lose a couple but they came back pretty decent...lost a couple leaves but overall not too terrible.
So here is a couple pics of the bottom shelf rig....not the greatest of pics but gives a general idea of what it would look like.....I can set up aboot 7-8 of those bulb rigs as I need them or if I do anyways.


Before I came down with the plague this past weekend the plan was to sit down and make my cuts to see who was gonna stay and who had to go far as chillis went, obviously that did not happen. So I will have to try and mangle up some strength and gitter dun by Sat/Sun as it is kinda getting to a critical point now.
I am kinda a tad torn though....I know I can easily sell some plants....and this may seem funny to some but my goal was to dominate the local fair in the fall with some of these, my fear is I may bring aboot my own competition if I sell some  :think:
And one thing to touch on.....I been typing "Aboot" for almost 2 months and no one has commented on it.....lol Everyone is too damn polite here I think or must think I am a complete idiot one or the other or abit of both..lol
Anywyas when we get talking fast the aboots really do come a flying, I used to get flack 'Aboot' it alot in my online gaming days, so just like to have fun with it when I can.
Lol I kept seeing it but kept telling myself hes Canadian, he cant help it
Oh and those led bulb lights rock
Sorry your babies are hurting, hoping they recover fast brother
CDNmatt said:
I am kinda a tad torn though....I know I can easily sell some plants....and this may seem funny to some but my goal was to dominate the local fair in the fall with some of these, my fear is I may bring aboot my own competition if I sell some  :think:
Glad you are feeling better. I was wondering what price you'd put on your plants? I have a few extras that I will test the market on this spring. I'm going to try for 3 dollars per plant or 2 for five. I don't want it to be too expensive and deter people from looking at my plants. Compared to green house plants mine will be larger, hotter, and probably healthier. 
Zippy said:
Glad you are feeling better. I was wondering what price you'd put on your plants? I have a few extras that I will test the market on this spring. I'm going to try for 3 dollars per plant or 2 for five. I don't want it to be too expensive and deter people from looking at my plants. Compared to green house plants mine will be larger, hotter, and probably healthier. 

Thanks zipper, it basically turned into a stupid cold but that is more then bearable compared to an extreme fever and resperatory problems it caused, doesn't help I am a smoker as well, starting to really pay the price the older I get.
You know I wondered what I should sell them for as well ,more then a few times the past couple weeks. The thing with my town is you can literally get nothing like it without ordering something online, or driving at least 4 hours East/West to either Thunder Bay or Winnipeg so I have an advantage in that regard I spose.
Being that they would be a specialty plant essentially I am just gonna put $5 for established plants and see what goes down. I hate that I am even considering selling plants at this point so even if very few sold, I will give a few to friends and just put anything else on some shelves by the windows and see what happens.