I wish I'd started this sooner, but I've been slammed with research/writing work until now. That's subsiding as the semester winds down and I move closer to being Dr. MaxCap. Things were so hectic over the winter that I almost didn't plant anything at all. Boy am I glad I got some stuff started.
I grow in Atlanta, in two raised 4x12' beds in a community garden. Last year was my first serious grow, and I went broad, starting at least one representative from every major branch of the superhot pepper family. Being that I wasn't sure I'd be in town to finish the season, I dialed it back to my absolute favorites. Powders, sauces, and salsas all turned out great, thanks to help from THP's community. I tried to share a lot of it back around, but didn't get powders in the mail like I wanted.
This year I am growing:
Carolina Reaper (2013 seed from Smokin' Ed's website).
Red Bubblegum 7 pod (OP seed care of GA_Growhead. My favorite superhot of last year's grow)
Bubblegum X Reaper F2(?) (GA_Growhead's cross. A very tasty and hot pepper)
Goat's Weed (OP from Jamison... my favorite annuum)
Red Rocotto (Seeds from pepperlove via Jamison)
Large Orange Thai (Seeds from Annie via GA_Growhead)
Lemon Drop (Seeds from a tasty pod Devv sent me last year)
Chocolate Bhut (Start given to me by the horticulturalist at a local hydro center)
There are so many others that I wanted to grow, especially MoA's, Bhuts (loved the yellow, Charles!), and Jalapenos (carbone was the nicest of last year's grow... thanks Jeff!!!) but just didn't have the time or space.
I started most of the supers on 1/17. Annuums were 2/1 (except Large Orange Thai... started on 2/14). I had to try over and over with the rocotto... yellow manzanos wouldn't sproud at all. Here are some pics!
Early April plantout. I rolled the die again. Worked better this year.
Volunteer Bhuts from last year. Also have a volunteer chiero roxa that I haven't pulled yet.
The glorious rocotto duo today! Got some flowers about to open on one but the other lost all its buds. They are in partial sun and shade most the day.
Goat's Weed the spicer upper of Italian food.
Big changes this year: I companion planted marigolds, nasturtium, cilantro, and basil. In the other bed I started low maintenance beans to try to help out the soil composition. I also direct sowed a small amount of okra and zukes. Going to keep the Chocolate Bhut indoors in coir.
Last year time ran out, so I am trying to keep things a little more dialed down this year. Also growing more variety to keep the kitchen stocked. I plan to update as much as possible with progress, but won't be doing the data tracking that I did last year. Gonna be around as much as I can. Wish me luck!
Special thanks to all of the THPers who helped me out last year. Rick, Scott, Charles, Jericson, Jeffs Hillbilly and otherwise, Paul, Chris, Jamison, Jason, JJJ, Annie, and so many others... Pepper people are the best!
I grow in Atlanta, in two raised 4x12' beds in a community garden. Last year was my first serious grow, and I went broad, starting at least one representative from every major branch of the superhot pepper family. Being that I wasn't sure I'd be in town to finish the season, I dialed it back to my absolute favorites. Powders, sauces, and salsas all turned out great, thanks to help from THP's community. I tried to share a lot of it back around, but didn't get powders in the mail like I wanted.
This year I am growing:
Carolina Reaper (2013 seed from Smokin' Ed's website).
Red Bubblegum 7 pod (OP seed care of GA_Growhead. My favorite superhot of last year's grow)
Bubblegum X Reaper F2(?) (GA_Growhead's cross. A very tasty and hot pepper)
Goat's Weed (OP from Jamison... my favorite annuum)
Red Rocotto (Seeds from pepperlove via Jamison)
Large Orange Thai (Seeds from Annie via GA_Growhead)
Lemon Drop (Seeds from a tasty pod Devv sent me last year)
Chocolate Bhut (Start given to me by the horticulturalist at a local hydro center)
There are so many others that I wanted to grow, especially MoA's, Bhuts (loved the yellow, Charles!), and Jalapenos (carbone was the nicest of last year's grow... thanks Jeff!!!) but just didn't have the time or space.
I started most of the supers on 1/17. Annuums were 2/1 (except Large Orange Thai... started on 2/14). I had to try over and over with the rocotto... yellow manzanos wouldn't sproud at all. Here are some pics!
Early April plantout. I rolled the die again. Worked better this year.
Volunteer Bhuts from last year. Also have a volunteer chiero roxa that I haven't pulled yet.
The glorious rocotto duo today! Got some flowers about to open on one but the other lost all its buds. They are in partial sun and shade most the day.
Goat's Weed the spicer upper of Italian food.
Big changes this year: I companion planted marigolds, nasturtium, cilantro, and basil. In the other bed I started low maintenance beans to try to help out the soil composition. I also direct sowed a small amount of okra and zukes. Going to keep the Chocolate Bhut indoors in coir.
Last year time ran out, so I am trying to keep things a little more dialed down this year. Also growing more variety to keep the kitchen stocked. I plan to update as much as possible with progress, but won't be doing the data tracking that I did last year. Gonna be around as much as I can. Wish me luck!
Special thanks to all of the THPers who helped me out last year. Rick, Scott, Charles, Jericson, Jeffs Hillbilly and otherwise, Paul, Chris, Jamison, Jason, JJJ, Annie, and so many others... Pepper people are the best!